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Two alternatives for Thailand
(A discussion of which of two paths is better for Thailand)
(Written April 1998)
 Foreword   Intro   Past   Future   Geography   Environment   Army   Police   Law   School
 Hospitals   Business   Temples  Tourism   Wild life   Spiritualism   Music   Opportunity   Plan
 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions

This document has been produced as a result of a desire to help the Thai people.
The evolution of Thailand is finely balanced at a critical point, and could move in either a positive or a negative direction.
The object of this document is to show the two opposed directions, and to assist in the selection of one of the directions as a basis of long term planning.
The two divisions of direction can be named, for ease of terminology,
as Western and Eastern.
Thailand is at a point where it can choose to follow its traditional cultures of Buddhism and agriculture, or whether to move in to the western culture of finance, and manufacturing.
We openly admit to a bias towards the spiritual path. However we have attempted to be as objective and accurate as possible with any of the words used in this document.
We freely admit that there are other alternatives, and that these concepts are far from perfect.
However, they do represent a possible point of view, and as such we would be grateful if the words could be considered as possibly having some significance.
The author's also confirm that there is no financial or other motive behind the words, except to make an attempt to offer assistance to the people of Thailand.

Foreword   Intro   Past   Future   Geography   Environment   Army   Police   Law   School
 Hospitals   Business   Temples  Tourism   Wild life   Spiritualism   Music   Opportunity   Plan
 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions

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This document has been produced as a result of the progress in Thailand as observed over the last 10 years (1988 to 1998), and a brief study of Thai history from King Mengrai's era.
In terms of the nation, probably the most significant thing, (not counting the monarchy, as this is unreproachable), is the introduction of Democracy.
Democracy is based on the original work of a Greek gentleman called Democrates, whose ideas were of a government for the people by the people. This is a far cry from today's so called democratic governments, which appear to be leaning towards a government OF the people. And this is one of the main points of this document. If we were able to mould our new Thailand democracy in the direction indicated by Democrates, we would in fact have a more advanced nation than most of the western nations. Thailand is in a unique position, and if this is truly recognised, then we can utilise our strengths to counteract our weaknesses, and grow rapidly in stature as a result. Thailand has been a model in the past in being the only nation in this part of the world which never was coloinised by the West. Now it has the opportunity to become independent of the West in a manner critical to its survival.

As such Thailand would be a front runner in the big league, and would be in a position to spread the culture of the Thai people around the world, in the same way that Buddha spread his culture around the world.
In fact Thailand is one of the few countries which is in a position to be able to choose. When a country is rich, the government becomes involved in so many long term and expensive projects that a change of direction is virtually impossible. However, after a period of being poor, there are fewer long term projects, and therefore the change of direction can occur more quickly. It is this fact alone, just the pure possibility, which presents an interesting point around which this document is written.
It really comes down to an answer to the following question.

"Is Thailand ready to become a world power?"

But before we answer the question, let's try to clarify the word  "power".
And before we do that, let's remember that we are trying to represent the two viewpoints of East and West.

In the west, power means the level of control over other people.
In the east, power means the level of control over the self (atman).

Both viewpoints are valid, it just depends on your personal preferences.

We therefore make a poor attempt at expressing the viewpoints of both the east and the west. As previously mentioned, we admit to a bias, and that is why the home has been relocated in Thailand.
We hope that by clarifying the two alternatives, we can possibly assist some people in determining their own future.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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In the near past, Thailand was a little known country in the Far East .
It was by far overshadowed by its near neighbour China, and to some extent, still is.
The people of Thailand could then be considered as agricultural workers in the main, with only a small percentage of the population living in towns and cities. The main religion can be considered as Buddhism.
Towns and cities had long been a feature of Western society, based on the towns originally built in Europe by the Roman Empire, some 2000 years ago. The main religion can be considered to be Christian.
As far as the land occupies by the United States of America is concerned, this was comparatively recently occupied by Europeans, and a new culture was born. These people were the ones who were considered to be escaping from the oppression of the controlling influences in Europe who were starting a free new nation.

The words on the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, read

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstance, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilised society to remain ever under the regimen of its barbarous ancestors."

This is a statement on which the American culture was founded.

The population of the countries which evolved around towns was subject to dramatic increases, resulting in the size of each town also rapidly increasing. This changed the balance of country folk to townsfolk, and a step in the evolutionary process was taken.
Once the balance changes, the culture takes on different aspects, as banking, government, law, transport, and religion all increase in importance.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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For our picture of the future we attempt to provide two view points. Firstly, we approach the western viewpoint, as this is probably the most documented. We can therefore be brief.
The western culture is based on the control of people by others.
This results in powerful governments, large corporations, and large prisons.
This is an easy path to choose, but it does not appear to represent the words of Democrates - "government for the people".
Our picture of the future of an Eastern cultured nation presents a very different picture. If we were to attempt to convey that picture in one word, we would say  -  "Buddha".
We see a Buddhist culture as a positive culture.
Our picture of the future in Thailand presents a more humble view.
The people are far more advanced in their spiritualism, and as a result they have no concern for the "rat race" in the west.
There is no other country in the world which has had, or probably ever will have, the opportunity which presents itself to Thailand today.
No other country in the world has ALL of the following.

 - A compassionate monarch.
 - A reverential nation.
 - A Democratic government
 - A strong religion
 - A compassionate populace.
 - The ability and desire to accept help.
 - A need for change

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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There are several natural borders inside Thailand, which are represented by the culture of the people. Isaan people differ from Chiang Mai people, who differ from Bangkok people, and so on.
If we choose to follow Democrates, and provide government for the people, then we must also provide for the differences between people.
And that is where we have to answer our question. Do we believe in the free will of the people , or do we believe that we have to control the will of the people.
If we believe in the former, then we arrange for the different communities to arrange for their own local government, which would take away most of the responsibility for central government.
This would leave the central government to work on the large projects of a national nature, but only when agreed and ratified by all the area representatives.
This would enable most of the tax money from, for example, Chiang Mai, to be spent in Chiang Mai, therefore enabling the people to see the fruits of their labours.
We would also expect that they would like to see a smaller armed force, and a smaller police force, as neither would be deemed to have the same importance as at present.
Of course if we follow the path of controlling the will of the people, then we would expect to see the armed forces and the police force grow in size and stature. We cover these points in more detail in a later paragraph.
As a point of interest, we also have a detailed plan along these lines of how to start the change over, with minimal interference with the every day lives of the people of Thailand, based on commencement in Chiang Mai, the spiritual focus point of Thailand.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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If we decide to take more control of the will of the people, then of course we have to take more control of the environment.
If we decide to take less control of the will of the people, then we can expect the people to take more control of the environment themselves.
However, it is apparent that we need to finalise our control decision in the very near future, and this is one of the reasons for the timing of this document.
If we as a nation were to set the world lead in taking care of our environment, our respect factor throughout the world would increase in manifold proportions, and along with it the fortunes of the nation and the people.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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Armed forces.
If we work on the basis of taking more control of the people, then it is fair to assume that other nations are thinking likewise. It therefore becomes important for the armed forces to be well capable of the protection Thailand from other nations.
However, if we adopt the viewpoint of less control over the people, then we have less need to protect the nation from other nations. And also, with this different viewpoint, we would need to apply a very different approach to the new style armed forces.
These forces would not be trained to protect against another nation, but they would be trained to protect against invasion by other planetary forces or spirits.
This would entail a close study of interplanetary forces and spirits, in order to ascertain and differentiate between friendly forces and unfriendly forces. We are fortunate at this time as information which was previously hidden from us is slowly being discovered and publicised on the World Wide Web. So the facts are now even more difficult to refute. The facts regarding the presence or otherwise of interplanetary entities do not change as a result of our control decision.
But with the one viewpoint we would attempt to deny the existence of interplanetary entities, and attempt to obliterate any such beings and their materials, and on the other viewpoint we would readily accept aid from more knowledgeable entities.
The armed forces must be aware of the two possibilities, even if we do choose to take more control of people.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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In a similar way, the duties of the police force could be subject to significant change, along with the true Democratic method.
The main task of the police would be understood by all people to be a role of assisting the people of the nation.
Police forces would be available within each cultural area, and would not be subject to any national control, except for situations of national importance. This does not mean governmental importance, it means important to the vast majority of the people of the nation.
The police would be trained in compassionate methods of dealing with local situations, and would help in cases of emergency or dire distress.
The use of guns would be prohibited. There would be no guns allowed in the country from outside, and anyone possessing a gun would be advised to export it, or to have its firing mechanism debilitated.
Anyone known to be using a gun for any purpose would be imprisoned for life, in the local community.
The prison service would be upgraded so that the inmates have conditions suitable for a normal human being. It would be expected that far fewer people would be in prisons, as the available help for straying citizens would help to maintain social order.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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If we choose the path of more control, then it is inevitable that we will require more laws, and more lawyers. Also we will need larger prisons, as inevitably more laws means more criminals.
If we choose the path of less control, then inevitably we need fewer laws.
We would therefore be able to set the lawyers to work in simplifying the current laws, and by simplifying the law we have fewer criminals, assisting the prison service in its aims to help reduce criminal behaviour.
A recognition would be made in that crime increases in direct proportion to the increase in the law, due to the infringement on the free will of the people by any law.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions

If we adopt the principal of more control, then we will have fixed and controlled curricula in the schools, and we will refine these curricula as new inventions are discovered, and we will apply the resulting global  curriculum to all schools.
If we adopt the principal of less control, we will make available a selection of courses, and the students will be free to choose their education from a variety of offerings, each of which is unique.
Students will be provided with opportunities to receive education in spiritual, permaculture, martial arts, and also an increase in the experience of the practical applications of technology. More people will be encouraged to become "handy-men", or DIY people, and education will be provided.
There will be an increased slant towards learning how to be independent and self-sufficient.

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 Hospitals   Business   Temples  Tourism   Wild life   Spiritualism   Music   Opportunity   Plan

 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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As we have already learned from the West, it is now the time to reapply the knowledge of the East. There are few hospitals currently offering eastern solutions to eastern dis-ease-s, as we continue to further apply western solutions.
If we choose a path of less control, we will have more and smaller hospitals, each one specialising in its own unique methods. An introduction to these methods will be available for students of all ages.
By maintaining the control option, we will continue to import and manufacture more drugs with unknown side-effects, and potentially harm the health of the nation.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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Business will be run on the understanding of providing a service to the community, the labour content of which would normally expect to be recompensed. There would be no expectations of hoarding wealth, or of controlling large work forces and facilities. Businesses would be run more on a family or group of friends basis.
And these families and group of friends would be running this business because they had detected a need among the people for an item which was available.
Of course the item would fit within the code of ethics which had been drawn up by that particular community, dependent on their spiritual and material requirements.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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The crowning benefit which Thailand has along with all the other features, is the Buddhist and other Temples.
Few religions in the world may not be represented in Thailand, but we feel sure that some branch of every religion is represented in Thailand.
And this is because of the Buddhist "be and let be " approach to life.
In Thailand we have a spiritual model for all the world, already in existence, without one baht needing to be spent. Or one minute of time. It has already materialised, and has been there for a long time.
But it is sometimes becomes difficult to see through the veil of illusion which is promulgated by the western approach to life.
And this veil can easily become more dense, and include eastern nations. And maybe the only people who can detect it are Wanderers, like expatriates.
But it certainly exists, and if more people are able to detect it, then the spiritual boost which Thailand needs will be actioned.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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More and more people around the world are now able to detect the veil of illusion.
There are few places they can go to discuss their knowledge without being considered abnormal.
Fortunately again, the web is one of the places where so called abnormal people can discuss absolutely anything they want to, with nobody interfering or censoring.
And when one person opens up with a secret truth, so do many others. As a result of this, many secret truths are being revealed.
If Thailand were to specifically welcome all "spiritual pilgrims", the timing is perfect for a flood tide change in western tourists.
Not only would all of the many millions of spiritual people around the world consider visiting Thailand, but all people would raise Thailand higher on their list because of the association with respectability, which has been so tarnished in the past.

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 Hospitals   Business   Temples  Tourism   Wild life   Spiritualism   Music   Opportunity   Plan

 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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Wild Life

Along with our new approach to life, it would be a simple procedure to promote vast wild life preserves.
We would stop cutting down old trees completely, and we start to grow wood for local use on a 20 year plan.
This plan would include serious considerations for the habitat of another of Thailand's wonders - its enormous variety of animals, insects, plants, and fruits. Along with this protection would come true respect for the 2000 plus year old cultures of the hill- tribes, another of Thailand's gems.

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 Hospitals   Business   Temples  Tourism   Wild life   Spiritualism   Music   Opportunity   Plan

 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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And now we have to really slow down, and take a few deep breaths, close our eyes for five minutes, and consider what we have read so far.
If we consider the focus to be away from serious interest, there is no obligation to continue reading.
However, if you do continue, we now hope that you will continue to read through to the Conclusions section. If you are really short of time, and skip, you will miss the essence which we are trying to convey.
The essence is based on the existence of prophecies from Nostradamus, Edward Case,
The Hopi Indians, The Bible, and many other sources. And all of these predictions state, in one way or another, that what is written is what will happen if nothing is done to prevent it.
And we find the world in its current position, and realise that Thailand is probably the only country in the world which has a chance of creating the reversal which most of the people in the world truly desire.
This is what our control decision is truly about.
At this point we would ask you to recall the question.
Do we wish to take control of the will of others, or do we truly believe in the free will of the people.?

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 Hospitals   Business   Temples  Tourism   Wild life   Spiritualism   Music   Opportunity   Plan

 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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One of the arts in which Thailand as a nation possesses much talent is music.
Along with a general increase in the appreciation of the arts, there will be opportunities to promote Thai music internationally, much of it being capable of benefit as chants or mantras.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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To summarise at this point, we believe that Thailand has a unique opportunity at this moment in time. We believe that the opportunity is so unique, if you will pardon the phrase, that it almost becomes a duty to ensure that the opportunity is closely examined, and soon.
We as a nation could achieve the following, by setting an example for others to follow.

- resolve the greenhouse gas problems, and allow the environment to return to something more suitable for human existence.
-resolve the energy problem by refusing nuclear power, and proceeding directly to renewable energy systems.
- reduce the world emphasis on the need for money, and improve every ones life as a result.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
 *  *  *
If we are to consider adopting the policy of less control of the people, then we have to draw up a plan drawn up a plan of how this can be commenced. We have available a plan of how to commence action, beginning  in Chiang Mai.
One of the reasons for choosing Chiang Mai, is the spirituality of the town and province, and particularly the city centre.
The plan utilises the geography of Chiang Mai, focusing on the area within the city walls as a seed or kernel to the whole plan.
Details of the plan are available if requested.
Once the "seed" is seen to be successfully operating, even with the opposed methods only one canal width away, it will then become apparent to all that the quieter way is the better way.
Many of our younger people may not agree, and may wish to have the opportunity of living amongst the traffic and pollution for many more years, but I am sure that the wiser ones would choose a method whereby they have a chance of prolonging their lives and their children's lives.
However we believe that once the seed is growing, then the remainder will grow naturally as people can witness the benefits.
All of this must be done according to the free will of the people. All we are proposing is one idea, and every one has the free will to ignore it or to adopt it, or to examine it further.
We feel that the concept will withstand substantial examination.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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As mentioned before, the timing is appropriate.
In terms of finding the time to start, then that is the next step. We will find that once we have managed an agreement to proceed with the concept, that many of the previously time consuming projects will simply fall away, and the newer projects will be of much greater spiritual satisfaction.
So the first step we can take, is to pass this document to someone else who may help you with whatever ideas we already have, and provide some new ones.
In a few days time there could be serious meetings held all round Thailand to make decisions about the new approach.
But the initial decision to allow the people's free will to take priority over all else will have to be made by central government.
So now we are really focused on where the power of the world could reside.
It could reside in the decision making processes of the government of Thailand, who apparently at present may be in possession of the balance of world power if we represent the two poles as West and East.
The timing could never be better.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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The benefits to the people of Thailand are profound.
Whilst looking through the same viewfinder as before, the benefits may be unnoticeable, and to the uninitiated may appear to be a backward step.
But the benefits of the resulting, simpler, slower lifestyle will soon become apparent.
Health will improve.
As a natural follow on from a the adoption of a less stressful life, we would expect the health of the nation to start an upward trend.
Hidden benefits.
 If we are to adopt a plan of allowing the free will of the people to operate, then we have to have a plan to dismantle many of the control mechanisms which are already in place. During examination of these mechanisms, many benefits will be discovered.
Crime will reduce.
We do not profess to be experts in crime. However we feel that people in a truly spiritual environment are less likely to have a desire or need to commit crime. The simplification of the law will also be of distinct benefit to the crime statistics.
Rubbish will reduce.
As we adopt a more natural and less packaged approach to life, then the level of refuse will correspondingly reduce.
If we cut out plastic, recycle glass and paper, turn biodegradable waste in to fertiliser, and then examine the remainder, we will find a significant reduction in the problem
Peace will increase.
By following the detailed plan which demonstrates how to avoid the non-peaceful aspects of life, we have a resultant increase in peace.
Joy will increase.
Peace allows for joy. As peace increases, so does joy. The people of Thailand will benefit from the adoption of the positive portions of this document by having increased happiness.

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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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We may discover that we are no longer in a position to carry out "impressive" projects, but then we will be adopting a different opinion to "impressive" to that adopted by western culture, where size is of imperative importance. The change in monetary value of real estate will have to be carefully considered.
There are predictions that if the environment change continues in its current direction, that we will need to grow our food indoors, as the outside will be too affected by the direct sun's rays, with insufficient protection from the depleting ozone layer.
This would mean the conversion of unused warehouse, factory and office space in to horticultural space.
This would have the effect of enabling food to be grown inside the cities.
The new growth in itself will help to reduce the pollution, which will also be further reduced as the food will not have to travel so far, therefore reducing pollution from transport.
We could ask the residents to help themselves by placing biodegradable products such as vegetable trimmings, and unused but clean rice into separate containers. These could then be kept locally, and used as fertiliser after composting.
Education in permaculture will become important.
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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions
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In short, we have a choice to make. We can choose to follow, or we can choose to lead. Our recommendation would be to do both.
To follow Buddha, and to lead the rest of the world in to an improved way of life.
We would like to thank you for the time donated to reading this report.

  *  *  *
Words supplied by John Lennon
 Imagine there's no heaven
 It's easy if you try,
 No hell below us
 Above us only sky
 Imagine all the people
 Living for today
 Imagine there's no country
 It isn't hard to do
 Nothing to kill or die for
 And no religion too
 Imagine all the people
 Living life in peace
 You may say that I'm a dreamer
 But I'm not the only one
 I hope some day you'll join us
 And the world will be as one
 Imagine no possessions
 I wonder if you can
  No need for greed or hunger
 A brotherhood of man
 Imagine all the people
 Sharing all the world
 You may say that I'm a dreamer
  But I'm not the only one
 I hope some day
 you'll join us
 And the world will live as one
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 Timing   Benefits   Losses   Conclusions

This document has now been followed by a further document called   The Future of Thailand

As one of the two above alternatives has now been proven to be a genocidal proposition, action to instigate the second and superior alternative is currently being updated as  Plan B for Thailand

Thai Read-Out - the newspaper of the Friends of Thailand
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