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Plan B for Thailand
(Last updated 8th September 1998)
It is proposed that now, this present time - today- is the absolutely perfect time for Thailand to put into action Plan B:
Plan B for the future of Thailand.

Action steps for the individual.

If we look at the serious environmental problems in Thailand, then we can see haow we can make our personal contribution to the betterment of Thailand.
Step1 - Waste disposal.
The serious problems of mounting rubbish, especially in Chiang Mai, can be eased considerably by some sensible sorting at source. If we all have seoerate rubbish bags for bio-degradeable and non-biodegaradeable waste then we will help. We can keep the biodegradeable waste in a compost pile, and use the resultant rorred vegetation as fertiliser in our own gardens. Simply dig a hole, place the biodegradeable waste in it and cover it with a layer of soil.

For non-degradeable waste, such as plastic bottles and bags, we can also help. If we keep all the glass and plastic bottles seperate, then we can sell them to a recycling organisation.
The end result is far less rubbish for our local governments to dispose of.

Step 2 Noise pollution.
Many people do not realise the effects on thew human body of constant man-made noise. The most noise in the cities comes from the exhaust pipes of vehicles, p[articularly two stroke motor-cycles. If you are thinking of buying a motor-cycle, make sure it is a four stroke. If you own a two stroke, consider changing it, before the law makes them illegal.. If you need to have a new exhaust fitted to your car or truck, make sure that it is no more noisy than the one fitted by the manufacturer. (Exhaust suppliers please note!)

Step 3 - Air pollution.

The worst air pollution is caused by use of the internal combustion engine, which is a very inneficient way (100 year old technology) of producing power. While we are waiting for the greed of the oil companies to cease, so that we can save the planet, then all we can do is to restrict the use of petroleum products as much as possible. We should think twice before making a journey - is it absolutelt essential, and if it is, then we should avoid "foot-to-the-floor" motoring, as this belches more polluted exhaust gases in to the atmosphere, contributing to the hole in the ozone layer, and global warming.

Step 4 - trees

We know that it is fashionable to have a beautiful teak house, but we must realise that what little teak there is left is best used as a tree to clean the atmosphere, and once chopped down, will take several decades to replace. The removal of trees results in changing weather patterns, which cause excessive heat, and drought, or floods. What is the use of a flooded teak house - better leave the trees where they are.

Step 5 - Animals

If we become aware of the needs of animals, then we have a better chance of understanding the needs of humans. We can live in harmony with our fellow man, the animals, and nature, and this should be our aim.

Action steps for government.

1 - Fix the Thai baht, either independently, or to the ringit. This will immediately increase trade between Malaysia and Thailand manyfold, and will also avoid much unnecessary distant transportation which destroys the environment. The result will create stable prices, which enables the poor people to budget what little money they have, in order to survive.

2 - Encourage small business. Announce a tax free period for all businesses with less than 20 employees, and all freedom from government regulation other than normal civil law related to nuisance , pollution, contract, cruelty, theft etc. Minimal form filling should be necessary, and no resulting fear from the authorities requiring a donation.

3 - Educate the population in the new way of thinking, so that the need to preserve the countryside, and to work with nature is fully understood.

4 - Strongly promote fellowship between Thai people and their fellow man from abroad, in order to be able to learn from the fellow man, both the mistakes and the benefits.  Encouraging the "long-term" fallang residents to speak up can provide much information which was not previously available. Their knowledge of "how things are in the west" is very valuable. They already are aware of the problems created by the oppression in their nation of origin, and are keen to avoid the same thing happening to Thailand. If the longer-term fallang residents were made more welcome, in terms of visas and recognition, then they would be more inclined to use their assets and talents for the benefit of Thailand. the presence of this clause alone will generate more interest among fallangs and their Thai families than would otherwise be the case.

5 - Strongly promote the items from The King's Speech of last December 6th, where the avoidance of large business and the encouragement for self-sufficiency were clearly stated.

6 - Place total emphasis on the welfare of the people, and if this means breaking some of the IMF restrictions, then so be it. The people of Thailand must be placed before the needs of a few billionaires.

7 - Decentralise Thai government, giving more control to the areas affected by the decisions. Why should people in a village 60 miles north of Chiang Mai be governed by rules designed for Bangkok (or even New York) residents.

8 - Strongly promote the break-away from "the-outdated-thinking", (which is on its last legs, as demonstrated by the total economic meltdown which the world is experiencing). Any nation attempting to hang on to the old value systems will be drowned along with the system. Thailand is in a position to become a world leader by making decisions THIS WEEK, firstly by following the lead set by Malaysia, and then following through with the recommendations of the King's Speech.

For details of how  Thai people could find a different and more wholesome life, see  Two Alternatives for Thailand

For details related to the reasons for introducing Plan B, see  The Future of Thailand

Thai Read-Out - The newspaper of the friends of Thailand.

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