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These remedies are not intended to take the place of regular medicine. If your complaint requires it VISIT A DOCTOR!

Remember that all essential oils, with the exception of Lavender, MUST be diluted before coming into contact with your skin. Some oils can cause irritation. Wash the affected area and discontinue use if affected. Check out the 'Important notes on oils' page before you begin.

Ailments P-T


Marigold infusion increases perspiration.

Combine equal amounts of powdered Cloves, Myrrh, Coriander seeds, Cassia, Lavender flowers and Thyme. This deodorant can be used in a bath or applied directly. Can cause rashes on sensitive skin.

Cypress essential oil can be massaged into the feet or combined with Lavender oil and diluted in water to be used under the arms as a deodorant. Other deodorant oils are, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Neroli, Pettigrain and Rosewood.

Basil, Chamomile, Juniper, Peppermint and Tea Tree oils promote perspiration.


An infusion of Valarian is calming and may help to reduce anxiety.

Use one or a mixtutre of the following essential oils in a bath, massage or vaporiser: Bergamot, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Geranium, Jasmine, Juniper, Lavender. Marjoram, Melissa, Ylang Ylang.

Aconite can be used to reduce agoraphobia when linked to fears of dying or collapsing.

Phosphorus can be used for fear of the dark.

Mimulus flower essence is used for everyday fears such as spiders, flying etc.

Low blood sugar can make phobias worse so eat regular meals. Also compliment your diet with vitamin B complex and vitamin C to improve nerve functioning.


Take a spoonful of olive oil a day. Garlic may ease the symptoms and help prevent attacks.

Licorice reduces inflammation. Nettle tea may be helpful.

Bergamot, Roman chamomile and Cajeput essential oils may help reduce symptoms in a massage or bath. Lavender and Chamomile oils reduce stress which is know to exacerbate symptoms of psoriasis.

Crab Apple flower essence is helpful in baths and washes.

Increase levels of vitamin A and C


Feverfew, Meadowsweet and White Willow should be taken internally or applied as a compress. An infgusion of Celery will help reduce acidity in the blood, which can be a factor in rheumatism.

Use Bergamot and Myrrh essential oils in the bath or massage into the affected area. Pine, Lemon or Juniper essential oils can reduce swelling and encourage healing.

Eat Cabbage, Celery, Turnip, Lemon, Dandelion and oily fish. Drink plenty of water.

Scalds (see Burns)


Take a warm Nettle bath. Drink Celery juice or tea.

Apply bruised Juniper berries to the affected area to reduce pain. Use Coltsfoot tincture as a compress. Rub Cajeput cream or ointment into the affected area to relieve pain.

Use Lavender oil in a bath or massage to reduce inflammation. Massage with Chamomile oil to reduce inflammation and pain. Add Oregano or Thyme oils to a bath.


Combine Oats, Skull Cap, Vervain and St John's Wort to make an infusion. Drink 3 times per day.

Bathe the affected area in diluted tinctures or cold infusions of Marigold, Plantain or St John's Wort.

Use a compress, bath or massage combining two or more of the following essential oils: Bergamot, Chamomile, Geranium, Eucalyptus, Melissa, Lavender, Tea Tree.

To relieve pain drink Celery juice or tea, apply bruised Juniper berries to the affected area.


Infuse fresh or dried Peppermint and breath in the steam. Peppermint is antispasmodic and decongestant.

Drink an infusion of Elderflower when required to reduce symptoms and encourage healing. During an acute attack, drink an infusion of Golden Seal every 2 hours.

Inhalations of Eucalyptus and Tea Tree essential oils produce antispasmodic and anticatarrhal effects, as does one of Lavender oil which is also an anti infalammatory and can ease any painful symptoms.

Sore Throat

Gargling with salt water will ease symptoms and reduce imfalmmation. A honey water gargle will encourage healing and reduce infection.

Fresh Garlic is antibacterial and antiviral, eat as often as possible. Calendula tincture added to a cup of hot water can be used as a mouthwash to aid healing and reduce infection. To ease the pain drink Calendula or Burdock teas.

Dabbing the throat with diluted Tea Tree oil will help to fight infection and ease the symptoms. Steam inhalations will help, add Benzoin, Lavender or Thyme to help to ease the discomfort and fight infection.

Increase levels of vitamin C


Use Cider Vinegar as a compress to reduce swelling and ease pain. A poultice of raw Onions will help.

Drink Burdock tea or apply Burdock as a poultice. Drink Chamomile tea to reduce pain.

A foot bath with Lavender or a Lavender compress will reduce swelling and pain of ankle sprains. DO NOT massage the affected area.

Increase levels of vitamin C, E and Zinc.

Stings (see Bites)


Zinc, Iron and Calcium are important here and Pumpkin seeds contain high levels of each.

Balm, Lavender, Chamomile, Passiflower and Oats encourage relaxation and act as a tonic to the nervous system.

For massage and baths use Basil, Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender, Neroli and/or rose oils to help reduce stress. to strengthen the adrenal system use Rosemary, Ginger and/or Lemongrass essential oils.

B vitamins can be depleted by stress and vitamin C can reduce stress and boost the immune system which is often affected by stress.


Urtica Urens ointment eases pain and reduces skin damage.

Combine a few drops of Lavender and Chamomile oils in a pot of live yoghurt. Applied to the affected area, this can reduce inflammation, ease pain and promote healing.

Rub vitamin E oil into the affected area soon after burning, This will help promote healing, and prevent peeling and scarring.


Drink fresh Cucumber juice or tea made with root Ginger.

Teas of Rock Rose or Wild Rose flowers can also be helpful.


Bugleweed infusion drunk 3 times daily is helpful for hyperthyroidism

Use Geranium essential oil in a massage or bath to blance hormone production and help regulate thyroid function.

Garlic and Onions in your diet are helpful for hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).


Feverfew taken daily is effective. When caused by poor circulation or high blood pressure Hawthorn can be useful.

Massage of the head, neck and chest with Rosemary, Cypress, Lemon or Rose essential oils can increase the circulation and so help. One or more of these oils can also be heated in a vaporiser or burner.

Deficiency of Magnesium, Potassium and Manganese have been linked with tinnitus.


Drink Blackcurrent tea to relieve symptoms. Hot Honey and Lemon or Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar can be drunk to fight infection and boost immunity.

Gargle with Red Sage to reduce symptoms and fight infection. Chamomile, Elderflowers, Yarrow and Limeflowers reduce fever by inducing sweating. Comfrey, Mullein and Marshmallow herbs will help soothe the pain.

Use Thyme essential oil in a vaporiser, and also in a light carrier oil massaged around the neck,for it's antiseptic and anaesthetic properties, Lavender and Benzoin oils can also be useful..


Information sources:

'The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies' C. Norman Shealy

'Aromatherapy an A-Z' Patricia Davis

My own Book of Shadows


By Ailment

Herb Recipes

Oil Recipes

Incense Recipes


Crone Spells




