So, yeah. Imagine, if you will, the glorious hey-day of Prodigy Classic (now THAT was an online service provider, not that wussy AOL crap).. During this time was when I became acquainted with one Josh, aka sprockettoad.
All right, so it wasn't all that long ago, mayhaps two years. But still. In relation to a fruit fly's life.. two years is a long time. (-; It's odd at times the things we have in common.. as in the ability to raise only our left eyebrow. Not the right one. Just the left. He, however, can only wiggle one ear -- while I can wiggle both. Separately, and together. (A skill I am perhaps a touch too proud of.)
Weirdly enough, Josh puts up with my computer's seemingly constant disconnection from either my ISP or AIM, chatting with me 'tween disconnections. (Which are counted akin to baseball strikes.. tho the "three strikes, you're out" rule doesn't apply here.)
Yes, another shameless plug -- no, wait.. not shameless, just a plug -- for Josh's website. Entitled, imaginatively enough, The Josh Neas Homepage it's got all sorts of information on various aspects of Josh himself, including his mucho wonderful solo music. An example of what you might learn.. did you know that he can read? I too was shocked... surprised.. thrilled.