just a brief overview on the person who recently called me (with an amusing fist wave): "Hard-Core Sara!" (Second to Phoebe's comment.) I forget the context. Oh well.
a few basics: her name's karen, she's a lefty, and had the unfortunate luck of being born two months or so early. (no, she wasn't premature; she's a capricorn, and had she waited a little over two months, she could have been a pisces. oh, the shame.) she plays the cello. she worries entirely too much about almost everything, especially schoolwork, and she's still a 4.0 (she's taking calculus this year. along with jasmine. i myself am in the lowly pre-calc class.) she's also incredibly strange, as you will soon find out.
i've known karen ever since seventh grade, when she moved here, and was in my science class. i vaguely recollect a group project (of which she was one in my group) where the assignment was to build an erupting volcano. we thought that we had come up with a wonderful idea; unfortunately, it didn't erupt. (however, we only lost two points.) at least some people's burst into flames; ours didn't do anything. twas very sad. i used my monopoly houses, and i forgot to collect them before it got thrown out, and i now have very few monopoly houses.
that year (7th, if you have a bad short term memory, as i do) i didn't do much with her. she signed my yearbook tho, and somewhere in the pages i have the lovely little statement "karen is a dork, signed by karen," accompanied by a lovely smiley. that right there ought to have given me enough warning to run & hide.
at the moment, i cannot think of anything incredibly outstanding from 8th or 9th grades (except of course, that i got to know her better.) ninth grade, we (along with my buddies jasmine and phoebe, and sometimes meg) started our friday routine. not *much* of a routine, simply doing something with each other on fridays, every friday, no ifs ands or buts. (of course, the possibilities of activities are greatly widened now that we are able to drive.)
also in ninth grade, my email buddie jasmine and i finally persuaded karen to sign up for her free skool email. her reason for not doing so was something like not needing it-- she could just call us, and also her thought that she'd never check it. hmm. she's now the one who majorly freaks out if she doesn't have tons of email. (although, actually, she *has* been getting better.) jazz and i created a monster. eek!
tenth grade.. much of the usual.. the continuance of our friday tradition...second semester i was lucky enough to get scheduled with her in english. not just any english class, but Writers In Their Times-- A Study of The American Dream, where we read lovely works like Ragged Dick, Walden and such, dissecting what the author meant in relation to the american dream. (if ever in doubt, look for a correlation between fruit and the way a human is being treated -- usually not very nicely. there were a lot of pessimists.) also in the class, we were treated to lovely a cappella versions of the Cardigans' Lovefool and Garbage's #1 Crush, (you know, from romeo + juliet) as sung by a male, along with other non-lesson items. most amusing. (although, i did get to read Kate Chopin's The Awakening, a very good novel.)
now, i talk to karen on the phone lots, where she's often hyper. we have this annoying habit of stealing each other's enthusiasm/hyperness, which is nice when you're half-dead and you get the hyperness, but if you get drained, it's not nice at all. we also have the habit of coming up with very strange topics during phonecalls, such as when we decided that Air Force One would translate well into a musical. (doesn't the idea of tap-dancing, gun-twirling terrorists and a glenn close/harrison ford duet entitled "we will not negotiate(no, we won't)" just make you smile?) or when we decided that there were giant mosquitoes (okay, just one) on my roof, and a giant guinea pig in her front yard. or the time when her evil twin (just a note -- there is no evil twin) was "lying in a bloody heap on the floor." there's also incredibly inane convos where we just giggle for minutes on end, until one of our parents gets worried.
sadly, this year i see her only before school and after school, and maybe once in the halls, for we have no classes together and have been cruelly split apart for the lunch hour. thank goodness for telephones and email..otherwise, how would i keep up with her day when i can't see her after school? *gasp of horror*
okay, sorry. this wasn't quite all that brief.. but oh well. i start and keep going..i often go off on tangents, as well. sorry.
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Email: sarae@pmail.net