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Scenes 5 & 6!!

You wanna see something?? Do ya???? Sure!! But only scenes 5 & 6 of course!!

Sc5: Damon and Joey walk out of the school. The sun is rising. They look at each other then run home

CUT TO:They get to their front door. Then they run to Joey's window and look at each other. They shake their heads then go back to the front door. They both feel their pockets then realise neither of them brought along a key so Joey begins to pick the lock. 2 joggers jog past the house, look at Damon and Joey in disgust then jog to them and start pushing them away from the door

Jog1:What do you think you're doing scumbag?
Damon: I'm sorry, what?
Jog2: He said, what do you think you're doing scumbag?
Damon: Ah, yes, I heard that…You see, we're locked out.
Jog1: Of course you are. That's why doors have locks. To keep scum like you, out.
Joey: I don't quite think you understand. We live here.
Jog2: Then why the hell are you doing trying to break into your own house?
Jog1: Let me guess! Insurance.
Joey:> Actually, we just forgot our key.
Jog2: Ok then. (winks at them)
They jog away. Joey goes back to pick the lock but then door starts opening so Joey jumps behind a bush. Their mum walks out in jogging gear
Mum: Damon. What are you doing here now?
Damon: Um, I just couldn't stay away.
Mum: Aww, how sweet.
Joey quietly sneaks into the house without their mum knowing
Damon: So this is what you do to keep your figure so neat?
Mum: Well, you know, I'm naturally thin.
Damon: Uh, yeah. Totally. Anyway, I better go get ready for school.
Damon runs into the house and their mum jogs away. Damon runs up to his room where he finds Joey sitting on his bed
Damon: You're supposed to turn right not left. This is my room…now get out.
Joey:Just a minute here Damon…I think I have another favour to ask of you. The sister, is your age.
Damon: If what you're saying is true…then I still don't care. Now get out.
Joey: Just let me set you two up.
Damon: Get out.
Joey: Please?
Damon: I'll grease down your hair.
Joey: Oh dear God.
Joey runs out of Damon's room and Damon flops onto his bed. His alarm goes off right when he touches the mattress
Damon: Buggery guts.
Damon gets up and starts greasing his hair for another school day

Sc6: Joey and Dean are creeping around school trying to find Vanessa, but unfortunately they both don't know what she looks like
Dean: Who exactly are we looking for?
Joey: Aimee's sister.
Dean: Yeah, that makes sense.
Joey: I need to set her up before I can go out with Aimee.
Dean:(accusingly)And who did you have in mind for this blind date?
Joey: Don't worry, it won't be you. I'm just gonna lie to Damon and then kick him in the nuts.
Dean: O…kay then. Remind me never to ask you anything ever again.
Joey: Good-o. CUT TO: Everyone on the bus going home from school. The bus stops for it's Damon and Joey's stop but Joey stays on with Dean. Damon looks at Joey confused but still hops off
Dean: So when am I getting paid?
Joey: When I get my allowance.
Dean: I thought you needed that to pay off Damon.
Joey: I do.
Dean: So in actual fact, it'll be a cold day in hell before I get paid for sneaking around school like an idiot.
Joey:(thinks this through)Pretty much.
The bus stops again letting other kids off including Aimee and Vanessa
Dean: So her sister could be any one of those girls.
Joey: Yeah. Come on.
Joey gets up
Dean: Where are we going?
Joey: Uh, to find out who's her sister. Geez, where have you been?
Dean: Shut up.
Dean and Joey get off the bus and begin to follow Aimee, her little group of friends and Vanessa
Dean: So which one do you reckon is her sister?
Joey: I think it'd be the one that's ahead of all…them.
Dean: The one in shorts?
Joey: They're all in shorts.
Dean:I don't really think you can call those shorts. (referring to the tiny shorts worn by Aimee etc)
Joey: The one with the cap on?
Dean: Well, duh!
Joey: Hey, no need to get all…PMSy.
Dean: May I remind you I have a certain…piece of equipment?
Joey: Hey, can't you take a joke? Geez!
Dean: I can take funny ones.
Joey: I choose to ignore that.
They watch Aimee and Vanessa go into their house
Dean: See? Told you.
Joey: I never doubted you.
Dean: Now can we go get some pizza?
Joey: Yeah.
Dean: When's the next bus?
They both look at each other and then begin to walk

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For some reason i wanna check out scenes 1 & 2...

Actually, i wanna check out secens 3 & 4!!

Gimme the next 2 scenes BABY!!

I wanna go HOME!!