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The Garden District Continued

Even those that seem small from the front, go way, way back, deep into the property.....


They all seem to fancy either porches or balconies, on every story.....and sometimes every side, or curve.


And the gardens.....the scents are delicious, especially when the jasmine and the magnolias are in bloom.....


These beauties have "style and southern charm" and most still have... and use... their ballrooms!


The moldings, doors, carved wood banisters and marble mantles, floors and fireplaces were all done by "artists" and artisans from all over Europe, you can get wonderful glimpses going by at night...


And they've been kept up or restored so beautifully... past presidents, royalty, all who have slept, visited, and partied here, could come back in time and still recognize it and feel familiar here.


This last one is now open for tours and for weddings, it's a lovely home, "The Elms Mansion" if you'd like to see more of it, or learn it's history, please click on the picture.


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