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alan and ann

pic __picture of alan and ann in their "evil" form
pic __picture of alan in his human form
pic __picture of ann in her human form


pic __picture of avery
pic __kawaii pic of avery
pic __another pic of avery


pic __kawaii pic of birdy
pic __picture of birdy
pic __pic of birdy

black lady

pic __very cool manga pic of black lady
pic __picture of black lady
pic __a surprised black lady
pic __a determined black lady
pic __a french manga pic of black lady
pic __a screaming black lady (manga)
pic __another french manga picture of black lady
pic __a pretty big pic of black lady


pic __catzy's attack
pic __pic of catzy
pic __another catzy pic
pic __kawaii picture of catzy


pic __picture of emerald


pic __a sneaky jadeite
pic __jadeite picture
pic __another jadeite pic


pic __small malachite pic
pic __malachite pic


pic __nephlyte as maxwell
pic __a pondering nephlyte

prince diamond

pic __a manga pic of diamond
pic __diamond looking over his shoulder
pic __diamond is surprised
pic __small pic of diamond
pic __diamond grabbing sailor moon
pic __small diamond pic with his wine glass
pic __sailor moon cradles a wounded diamond
pic __cool pic of diamond with his hair in the wind
pic __manga shot of diamond giving us a wink
pic __cool pic of diamond (kinda messy on the edges though)
pic __pic of diamond on his throne
pic __small full-body pic of Diamond
pic __diamond gazing into his glass
pic __cool manga page where diamond kisses sailor moon
pic __diamond giving us a cool look
pic __diamond at his throne with black lady at his side
pic __very cool *ANIMATED* diamond pic
pic __cool pic of diamond with his cup and princess serenity
pic __very cool diamond pic
pic __diamond with his arms crossed
pic __something's caught diamonds attention
pic __cool pic of diamond (with subtitles)
pic __diamond yells for his brother
pic __very calm pic of diamond
pic __sailor moon backing away from diamond
pic __diamond is shocked
pic __cool pic of diamond about to kiss princess serenity
pic __diamond and princess serenity
pic __diamond with his hand on his chin
pic __diamond seems worried
pic __diamond with a very smug look on his face
pic __diamond and sapphire looking at a small plant
pic __diamond is ashamed
pic __great pic of diamond attacking
pic __diamond begging sailor moon
pic __sailor moon is worried for diamond
pic __diamond can't believe that wiseman attacked sapphire
pic __diamond screaming at sailor moon
pic __diamond too weak to talk
pic __diamond fights against wiseman's attack
pic __diamond attacks back
pic __diamond with a caring look
pic __diamond looks very sneaky
pic __diamond deep in thought
pic __diamond looks angry
pic __diamond looking up
pic __diamond on his throne with his eyes closed
pic __diamond and wiseman
pic __another diamond and wiseman pic
pic __diamond pic
pic __diamond talking to sapphire
pic __cool diamond pic
pic __cool diamond pic with his wine glass


pic __prisma attacking
pic __pic of prisma
pic __kawaii pic of prisma

queen beryl

pic __pic of beryl
pic __beryl on her throne


pic __pic of rubeus
pic __rubues looking suave
pic __rubeus in his trademark "jacket over the shoulder" pose
pic __a framed pic of rubeus
pic __cool shot of rubeus attacking
pic __another trademark rubeus pic
pic __rubeus plans to rule the world
pic __kawaii pic of rubeus
pic __manga pic of rubeus
pic __rubeus deep in thought
pic __rubeus ready to take some names
pic __rubeus looking intentively
pic __a very cool pic of rubeus
pic __cool shot of rubeus
pic __rubeus talking
pic __rubeus is VERY angry

prince sapphire

pic __manga pic of sapphire


pic __pic of wiseman
pic __manga pic of wiseman


pic __picture of zoisite
pic __sad zoisite


pic __picture of entire black moon family
pic __group pic of the four sisters
pic __manga pic of the four generals.