kino makoto NA name: lita age: 14 birthday: December 5 sign: sagittarius bloodtype: o likes: romance novels dislikes: cheaters hobbies: cooking, bargain-hunting special strengths: athletic favorite food: cherry-pie, meatloaf least favorite food: none favorite colors: pink and green favorite animal: horse favorite subject: home economics, history worst subject: physics dream: being a bride, selling cake, selling flowers favorite gemstone: emerald who is makoto?makoto is a strong, aggressive, interesting girl. makoto is very boy-crazy, and almost every guy she sees reminds her of an old boyfriend. she likes to cook, clean, and other household things. makoto is the tallest of the five girls, and the reason she wears a different uniform than the rest of the girls is because they didn't have a uniform her size. as a sailor scout, sailor jupiter takes the initiative and doesn't ever give up.attacks, powers, etc.jupiter power!makoto says this to turn into sailor jupiter jupiter star power later in the series, makoto says this to turn into sailor jupiter. jupiter thunder crash sailor jupiter's main attack, when she says this an antenna rises up from the jewel in jupiter's tiara and gathers lightning, which jupiter can collect and redirect to her enemies. jupiter thunder dragon this is the neatest attack visually, jupiter creates a dragon made of lightning which she can direct at enemies, the dragon in turn eats the enemy. jupiter thundercrash zap here, sailor jupiter gathers lightning into a little ball and throws it at an enemy. this is apparently her strongest attack. |