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ani-gif  - one of jupiter's attacks


pic  - a posing jupiter
pic  - a charging jupiter
pic  - good jupiter pic
pic  - great pic of makoto
pic  - jupiter looks lovingly up
pic  - makoto in a gown lying around on rose petals
pic  - makoto taking some time to think
pic  - we catch makoto a little unexpectedly
pic  - makoto looking beautiful in a summer outfit
pic  - makoto ready for action
pic  - makoto and the gang
pic  - makoto looks concerned
pic  - makoto's a bit confused
pic  - jupiter about to unleash a lightning strike
pic  - kinda weird manga pic of jupiter
pic  - a good makoto pic
pic  - makoto jumps into action
pic  - great pic of a very caring makoto
pic  - makoto--the most graceful skater
pic  - quick head shot of makoto
pic  - cool manga pic of makoto in front of text
pic  - makoto lifts misha off his feet
pic  - series of pics showing one of jupiter's attacks
pic  - makoto gets surprised
pic  - EXTREMELY cute pic of makoto as a kid
pic  - cool manga pic of makoto
pic  - looks like makoto's in love....
pic  - manga head shot of jupiter
pic  - jupiter taking a break from the action
pic  - makoto looking beautiful as always
pic  - tiny jupiter pic