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Featured introduction of our new B777-300.

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Our new B777-300 has just arrived at Bangkok (our home airport) the flight was flown by Captain Atikom Pookbooncherd.

Te aircraft was tested by the captain.He said that the flight dynamic on ILS glide slope drifts little bit if the plane turns sharpe into the ILS.Therefore with this aircraft,the pilot has to make a smooth and steady turn into the ILS and must hold the yoke up and with some thrust power when flaring on to the runway.

In the slide on the left hand side of this page is the introduction of our new B777-300.The slide will play the outside look of the aircraft, the cockpit and the cabin the image was taken from the real Thai Airways International's B777-300. The flight was flown from the boeing factory,Seattle refeuling stop at Tokyo and landed at Bangkok INTL,Thailand.

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