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HAL 9000 HAL 9000

My Information Systems Papers and Projects

Human Computer Interaction (IFSM303) ·  Web Information Architecture (IFSM387) ·  Database Project Overview (IFSM420) ·  Expert System Project (IFSM425)

Information Systems and Security (IFSM430) ·  Information Systems Analysis & Design (IFSM436) ·  Project Management (IFSM438)

Legal Aspects of Information Systems (IFSM474) ·  Enterprise Network System Design (IFSM498)

Paper: An Introduction to Data Mining ·  Artificial Intelligence Presentations

Artificial Intelligence Repository of Journal Articles and White Papers (IFSM427)

Last Update September 5, 2014

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Be Mindful of What You Wish For: A robotic scientist’s answer to the demand for a $15 minimum wage

The Integral Worm, Inc. • Christopher Paul • Independent Senior Technical Writer/Editor

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