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Christopher Paul's Professional Writing Papers Christopher Paul's Professional Writing Papers

My Professional Writing Papers

Technical Writing ·  Exposition & Argumentation ·  Non-fiction Creative Essays ·  Grammar and Usage of Standard English ·  The Structure of English ·  Analysis of Shakespeare

Analysis of Literary Language ·  Advanced Professional Papers ·  The History of the English Language ·  First Internship: Tutoring in a Writing Workshop ·  Second Internship: Advanced Instruction: Tutoring Writing

Visual Literacy Seminar (A First Course in Methodology) ·  Theories of Communication & Technology (A Second Course in Methodology) ·  The Writer's Guild


UMBC'S Conservative Newspaper: "The Retriever's Right Eye" ·  UMBC'S University Newspaper: "The Retriever Weekly" ·  Introduction to Journalism ·  Feature Writing ·  Science Writing Papers

Modes of Communication: The handshake Modes of Communication: The handshake

The Shipka Spaces: Language in Society

Communicative Objective #2 (CO2): A hyper-modest proposal for two un-researched communicative practices within the study of language in society

Presentation/Activity: "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse: A re-articulation of the index card method of organization for research papers"

The History of "this" Space: "Welcome to the Anti-Apathy Club: A study of UMBC student culture within the Shipka Spaces"

Blackboard Weekly Posts (A Bulletin Board Community)

Annoy Annoy

Communicative Objective #1 (CO1): A re-contextualization of the definition of the word annoy from the Oxford English Dictionary (OED)

An Explanation of How to Read "This" Objective

Parameters for Re-contextualizing the Definition of a Word from the OED

Photos of the OED Annoy Artifacts

The Oxford English Dictionary Fairy Tale Radio Hour Archive Audio Tape and Script

The OED Annoy Goals and Choices

The OED Annoy Process Narrative-Sketch

The OED Rolling Credits: Who Contributed to "This" Objective

The OED Word Workshops One and Two: Brainstorming Ideas within a Social Context

The OED Blackboard Community Post

A List of OED Words Researched, Tested, and Abandoned

The Integral Worm • Christopher Paul • Independent Senior Technical Writer/Editor

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