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Communicative Objective #1 (CO1): A re-contextualization of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
Blackboard Weekly Posts (A Bulletin Board Community)
Goals, Choices, and Process Narrative-Sketch for Two Un-researched Communicative Practices · Rolling Credits for Two Un-researched Communicative Practices: Who Contributed to "This" Objective
Explanation of How to Read “This” Communicative Objective · Explanation of the "Shipka Spaces" · Communicative Objective #2 (CO2): Task Order Parameters · Artifact(s)/End-product/The Proposal
Explanation of How to Read “This” Communicative Objective
The reading path of “this” communicative objective is linear. The reading path is as follows:
Explanation of the "Shipka Spaces"
Here I will explain how the Shipka Spaces are so rigorous. As you have probably noted this Communicative Objective is not as complex as the others you may have already read. Here’s the reason. There are two different classed being conducted: ENGL 324 Theory in Communications and Technology and ENGL 407 Theory of Language in Society.
Now for the totals across the two Shipka Spaces:
Bear in mind that each person is a designer of a communication. Each person is required to gather data from their peers in order to complete their design objectives. No one at any time knows who is a historian or a group presenter. Every time we walk into the classroom we are entering into a “black box” research center either creating data for some one or some group or collecting data as an individual or as a group from our peers. During this process no one admits to anyone who is the Historian of the Day or the Presenters of the Day. Sometimes we find out when the event occurs or in some cases a Historian may operate covertly and ask a peer to do the dirty work for them to maintain anonymity. In cases like these, at the end of the semester, the Historian displays their history in the last week of the semester revealing what they were studying and how the data collected from our peers was re-. That’s not an error, I did say re-. There are way too many re-‘s for me to list but some examples are re-contextualization, re-articulation, re-formulation, re-cycling, re-purposing, and so forth. This is to enforce the fact that there is nothing new out there, in a way. Everything that is a new idea, a new invention, a new composition, a new anything is built on some existing research or discovery that was made previously. We build new knowledge from old knowledge, old information, plus new information and new ways of seeing.
In addition, a English Composition professor spends approximately 60 hours a week reading, assessing, and grading all these compositions. What is new here is that we as students are feeding each other data and content and receiving data and content in return. This becomes a social space and a free exchange of ideas. IT should now be readily apparent why at the end we are all so tired and that this Communicative Objective is not the same as the others you have read.
This particular Communicative Objective has no end-product, a narrative, a multi-modal composition that was required to be passed forward like all the other projects. All that was required for full participation and a grade requirement was two proposals for new primary research in an un-studied area of Communication Literacy within a Social Space or Society. We had to submit two rock solid plans, develop Goals and Choices, extend credit where credit was due (Rolling Credits), and actively participate in two workshops brainstorming ideas within a social context. But simplicity can be deceiving. The complexity of this project is knowing what to propose: what has not already been researched in academia ad the only way one determines this is by pouring through 100’s of academic journals to determine what has been done and to search for those little clues at the end of a scholarly work that says, “not enough study has been performed in this area, this is an unexplored area, the data is inconclusive and so on. In essence, it is time consuming to discover what someone else has not already studied; hence the difficulty of the task order. After graduating from the university and having accumulated four years of professional proposal writing under my belt, I understand how difficult it is to write a proposal or to design a study. Due to the professor’s workload and our workload as students, this is why “this” communicative objective does not have as many components as the other objective you have read or will read.
Communicative Objective #2 (CO2): Task Order Parameters
I cannot find the original task order for this communicative objective so I will construct it from memory as best I can considering it was done eight years ago.
We were tasked with writing out a proposal to create primary research (an area in which no one has previously studied) for two areas in Communication Literacy within a Social Space. This means there would be two proposals within one document.
The parameters given are simple. There are none. “What?” Yes, that’s right, there are none. No constraints: Unlimited funding (money is no object), unlimited scope (no restriction on the size of the study), unlimited time (study the area until you drop dead.)
We were not expected to create artifacts or an end-product. All that was necessary was to submit two rock solid plans, develop Goals and Choices, extend credit where credit was due (Rolling Credits), and actively participate in two workshops brainstorming ideas within a social context.
For this communicative objective the artifact and end-product will be one with no distinction between the two. What will be written here will stand as the artifact/end-product.
Topic One: Proposal to study young Japanese women reading Hentai in Japan
I discovered while creating my last paper for Dr. Carpenter that there was little to no primary research in the study of young Japanese women in Japan reading Japanese Manga in the sub-genre known as Hentai. The reason for this is Western Society considers Hentai pornography. Japan is a completely different society and the Japanese consider this genre fantasy reading.
The research that does exist are little deserted islands without a global connecting theme. I found the global connecting theme and demonstrated by “island hopping” or idea hopping that the separate small arguments supported one global argument. This "deserted island” discourse is typical of theoretical mathematics where mathematicians work in secret enclaves, sharing little to nothing of their research, hence other mathematicians who are looking for bridge from one island of study to the next find non-existent paths.
The global argument within this communicative practice is more and more women are turning to reading Hentai to retreat into a fantasy world to escape the message of “motherhood” delivered by the Japanese government’s ideology. Within the Hentai I discovered that the same message is being delivered semiotically due to Japanese censorship laws, but Japanese women are not recognizing the messaging and that the same message is being delivered within the retreat controlled by Japanese government censorship.
I could expand further and describe the Japanese censorship laws that were established approximately in 1914, but for the purpose of “this” proposal this information adds noting to the argument. In conducting the full study, this area will have to be described. Simply stated before the early 20th century, Japanese culture had a very open view on sex and sexuality. Men and women bathed in public bathhouses. Western visitors witnessed this among other practices back in the west. American society frowned upon these practices; therefore to strengthen trade relationships with the West, in particular America, the Japanese government adopted and drafted regulations that would censor sexual expression with in Japan.
The connection scholars missed is why this ideology is so important to the Japanese government. The Japanese population is decreasing and fewer women are having children. The Japanese government has an apocalyptic fear of the Imperialist U.S. government. The Japanese government fears that one day Japanese/American relations will come down to one or more apocalyptic showdown(s): nuclear destruction of Japan and an elimination of Japanese society. The Japanese have never forgotten the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is a repetitive theme throughout Japanese Anime and Manga, the two main genres Hence this theme trickles down into he sub-genres.Although Japanese culture embraces the idea of being "Ultra-Western" (more Western than Western Culture), the Japanese are ethnically Japanese and not only embrace being so, but consider inter-marriage with other Asian cultures as dilution of Japanese-ness. My point is that the Japanese government and its culture as a whole is afraid of loosing its unique Japanese heritage entirely due to plummeting birth rates and what is known as the "parasite singles" generation. Young Japanese men and women in their early twenties and thirties are refusing to marry and refusing to bear children (not so different for its Western counterpart societies.) The reason they are called "parasites" is because the only function they serve in society is that of the role of "consumers." The Parasite singles consume but do not raise off-spring resulting in a spiraling decrease in Japanese ethnicity as a whole.
The link was found in a sub-genre of Hentai called “Tentacle-sex” where helpless women who appear to be teenage adolescents are raped by tentacle monsters who have apocalyptic orgasms with their victims sometimes to the point where the victim disintegrates. Only one academic paper drew a connection to the helpless adolescent girls representing Japan and the tentacle monsters as the United States. I found my connections through other various author’s text which demonstrated what seems like a loose connection, yet a strong bridge from one island of thought to another. The purpose of pushing motherhood in Japan is to increase the size of the Japanese population because a larger population increases the possibility of survival rate in the event of a Japanese/American apocalypse.
I believe I have the ability to make contributions in various academic areas but I want to research with a more lofty intended purpose: that of being published. I regularly look at the end of journal articles looking for statements an author has said something to the effect of “there is little research in ‘this’ area, more research is required in this area, the data is inconclusive, we are not aware of the effect on someone or some group," and other such phrases that indicate more research is necessary. My research is analogous to a kid standing in a stream overturning rocks looking for some new un-cataloged species of life. This has more purpose in my mind than just re-hashing the same old arguments using other scholar’s secondary research and support.
The study would entail living in Japan within an urban setting. Rural and Urban Japan are two distinct cultures and reading Hentai may not be as prevalent in rural Japan as it is in urban Japan. Although I would be the primary researcher conducting the study, I would have to hire a staff of young bi-lingual Japanese women, most likely within the universities to perform data collection. The group being study is more likely to converse freely with their own peer group than with outsiders, especially male outsiders. I would not control the selection of the Hentai readings and would expect my researchers to go out, purchase, and return the Hentai the women participating in the study are reading. This way I obtain exactly what this group is reading. Data collectors would perform interviews in whatever setting would be comfortable for disclosure of information and the study group would be compensated for their time. Methods of data collection would include audio transcripts of the conversations and note taking. Video would not be used I would find this method would probably cause study participants to censor themselves in their responses. All participants would remain anonymous in order to collect uncensored data. Images that produce the most dialog would be displayed in the findings of the study. At the beginning of the study, prompting questions may be weak and may have to be modified as the study unfolds.
End Product
The entire product could be burned onto a DVD as a website or distributed on DVD. The Internet would provide for a multi-modal communication that would be more descriptive than an academic paper.
Method of Delivery
This could be delivered as an advertising DVD demonstrating the goods and services The Integral Worm can provide. The DVD could be placed into a clear jewel case and some advertising blub/cover design could be used as the sleeve the DVD comes with. Inside the jacket could be the company name and an explanation of how to use the DVD in order to view the project.
Topic Two: Proposal to study the arguments within my mother’s artwork created during the 1960’s or Struggling for Liberation: Georgina Morejon-Paul’s account of using art as a means of conducting a sociopolitical discourse.
The purpose is to record the artist’s words and explanations of what she meant by the imagery and symbols in a particular piece of work, i.e. what is your argument? What does the symbolism mean?
We all know her work will be left behind after she dies. The object is to capture the artist’s original intent, meaning, content, and context within a particular artifact. My mother’s strongest, most ambitious period of making these creations was the 1960’s, a period of civil upheaval: controversy over the Vietnam War, Civil Rights for Blacks, and the Women’s Liberation Movement.
As an example of one painting is called “The Bluebird’s of Happiness.” The entire image is painted in bright pastel colors. Many of the symbols appear as though they are in tissue paper as one image is shown underneath another. In other words, some objects in the image are transparent. There is an image of a white horse kicking its head skyward, mouth open, teeth showing, one hoof up rearing on its hind legs. There are blue birds (as in the color blue) superimposed in strategic places or positions on the horse and are attacking the horse while other blue birds are in the process of descending on the horse with the rest of the blue bird community. The horse is a soul individual.
Please understand that this is photograph is a Kodak Ektachrome slide taken in 1968 and was recently digitized. The colors are not representative of the original work. When I get a chance, I will get together with my sister to capture all of my mother’s paintings, including this one with my digital SLR camera in good light for preservation. Right now, this is the best I can do to give you a visual of what I am discussing within this narrative.
The argument is the wants of society versus the wants of the individual. The literal meaning is the blue birds insist that in order to be a part of the community, the horse must be happy. The horse on the other hand, is not happy and does not want to be happy. The horse wants to lead a life of misery self-designed by choice.
The horse’s discourse is “Why should I lead a false life in order to appease society? I see the world as cruel and miserable and chose to live within the bounds of society with a dark mind. For me, this is to accept the truth and not turn an eye away from the world’s ugliness. For even within ugliness there is beauty. I chose to be a realist and work with what I have been given. You (the blue birds) also make a choice (a false choice) to ignore misery by putting on a false persona of happiness when happiness is far and few between. In your macabre you think that by cloaking yourselves in happiness and gathering in unity that everyone should subscribe to your life philosophy. If not, this becomes a struggle between ‘us’ versus ‘other.’ Why must I lead a life that is false in order to appease society?” This is the horse’s discourse.
The blue bird’s discourse is “You’re right Ms. Horse, there is little happiness in this world but why wallow in the misery and rejoice to the fact that one is alive and that not all is darkness for God’s creatures, particularly man has an affinity for darkness. Yet God is the light and within that light is the happiness of loving God. Within the light is love, peace, and happiness.” This is the blue bird’s discourse.
The theme of the individual versus society was a prevalent theme throughout 1965 to 1970. My mother’s discourse bears similarities to the TV show, The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan, formally Danger Man. I know for a fact that this show was not an influence in this work because I remember my father watching the program by himself and there was only one television in the house.
Within the household are several discourses going on at the same time. My brother marries at age 18 because he gets his girlfriend pregnant. My older sister has married and in order to do so she has converted her religion from Catholicism to Protestant. My sister now becomes over-religious and constantly quotes from the bible in her letters to home. My father is suspected of infidelity due to an incident at my brother’s wedding reception. Women in society are exercising their civil rights for equality as my mother also decides that she will exert her rights for liberation from being a mother and a housewife.
A main complication with this pursuit is my inability to get up to Pennsylvania to photograph the paintings and bring them into the research so that all can see these paintings and constructions. I do not have the time while in school nor the money to run back and forth to Pennsylvania. In addition, I do not own a digital camera which would make image capture less complicated considering lessons learned in creating the visual argument in the history of UMBC food in the ENGL 324 class.
End product
The entire product could be burned onto a DVD as a website or distributed on DVD. The Internet would provide for a multi-modal communication that would be more descriptive than an academic paper.
Method of delivery
This could be delivered as an advertising DVD demonstrating the goods and services The Integral Worm can provide. The DVD could be placed into a clear jewel case and some advertising blub/cover design could be used as the sleeve the DVD comes with. Inside the jacket could be the company name and an explanation of how to use the DVD in order to view the project.
After the Fact
What I was not aware of nor was my older sister that at the time of this proposal my mother was exhibiting signs of dimentia. By 2008, it was already too late to capture any of this data within the underlying arguments within her paintings. My mother died a few years ago so this now becomes a mute point, i.e. “I’ve said everything I’m going to say and I said it my way.”
End product
The entire product could be burned onto a DVD as a website or distributed on DVD. The Internet would provide for a multi-modal communication that would be more descriptive than an academic paper.
Method of delivery
This could be delivered as an advertising DVD demonstrating the goods and services The Integral Worm can provide. The DVD could be placed into a clear jewel case and some advertising blub/cover design could be used as the sleeve the DVD comes with. Inside the jacket could be the company name and an explanation of how to use the DVD in order to view the project.
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