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Presentation/Activity: "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse:
A re-articulation of the index card method of organization for research papers"
The Original Presentation/Activity Parameters for "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse": The task order sheet ·
The Original Readings that Frame and Inspire the Presentation/Activity
Photos of the "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse" Artifacts ·
Audio Tape of the Presentation/Activity "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse" ·
The Initial Index Card Ordering (Before) and the Index Card Ordering by Each Group (After)
Flow Chart of the Presentation/Activity "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse" ·
Goals, Choices, and Process Narrative-Sketch for the Presentation/Activity "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse" ·
The Rolling Credits for Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse: Who Contributed to "This" Objective
Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse Blackboard Community Post
An Explanation of How to Read "This" Presentation/Activity
The hypertext version of "this" presentation/activity can be entered at any point. The "best" way to read the hypertext version of "this" presentation/activity is by the traditional reading method of start to finish. Shown below is a listing of how one proceeds from page to page in a linear read.
- The Original Presentation/Activity Parameters for "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse": The task order sheet.
This will the reader to understand the parameters and design expectations.
- The Original Readings that Frame and Inspire the Presentation/Activity.
Reading these .pdf assists the reader in understanding the focus of the argument being presented.
- Photos of the "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse" Artifacts.
Shows the reader the artifacts that were used in order to make this presentation/activity as a portable kit for promoting use of the index card method of composition organization. As you will find out, the index card method of organization is still recommended at the Masters and P.h.D. candidate level of study. What I did learn is that writing the entire text and cutting up the composition into paragraphs can have the same result. What was not illustrated in the index card method is that one may find information from several other researchers that provide support for one paragraph. If I remember correctly, the expectation is to insert the citation particulars on the card to aid in creating the "Sources Cited" section.
- Audio Tape and transcript of the Presentation/Activity "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse."
This is a recording of what went on during the presentation/activity.
- The Initial Index Card Ordering (Before) and the Index Card Ordering by Each Group (After).
This section shows the initial index card organization when the cards were distributed and how the audience interpreted the task at hand.
- Flow Chart of the Presentation/Activity "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse."
The flowchart is basically a toll for me as a presenter to account for everything necessary for a successful presentation. A flowchart will immediately alert a designer if there are any failures or breakdowns in design because one will not be able to move to the next step. The flowchart also acts as a tool to slow down the designer's mind and account for each choice made while creating a design/system.
- The Statement of Goals and Choices for the Presentation/Activity "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse."
Goals, Choices , and the Process Narrative-Sketch are the work horse of the presentation/activity. It informs the reader as to what design decisions were made and not made and why. The process narrative-sketch captures the process of the presentation/activity illustrating that the writing process is not just sitting at a computer and writing. The writing process is carried in the mid and is not stationary. This process is influenced not only internally, but also by people, places, and things extending beyond the composing space.
- The Rolling Credits for Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse: Who Contributed to "This" Objective.
Captures and sends a note of gratitude who had a n influence in the design process. Without these people's influence, the entire design process would have resulted in a completely different design. This also illustrates that no one designs anything within a vacuum.
- Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse Blackboard Community Post.
An online discussion of my peers methods of composition organization.
Enjoy the read.
The Integral Worm
Christopher Paul
Independent Senior Technical Writer/Editor
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