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Lawn Lamps


good stuff
-September 23rd, 2003-

So, this is where I'll be putting stuff as I go along in the school year, for the lack of something better to do. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Jay, and you'll find out more as you go on. I'm not doing anything fancy at the moment out of sheer laziness, but I'll probably do some frames and mapping as I go along in the year and I get progressively more bored. Until then, just look at it if you feel like it.

-September 24th, 2003-

I decided to add a guestbook so you can tell me that this sucks. I also added a couple more pictures. Look for some short video clips sometime in the next 2 weeks, as I will be getting my webcam and setting that up fo sheezy.

-September 26th, 2003-

I got bored, and I decided to make a little videos page... look for this to be updated every once in a while with more boring shit. I also added some more pics of dorm kids, so check that out too.

Stuff That's Here

Pics from the dorm

My LiveJournal

A few words about me.

Read about what's pissing me off at this very moment.

Dorm Videos
