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  • Communications Media Dictionary

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    Numbers Abbreviations

    High-definition television. Includes various digital brodcast television standards of more than 1,000 lines, plus the 720-line interlaced frmat. A format is generally considered high-definition if it has at least twice the horixontal nd vertical resolution of standard definition TV (SDTV).

    HDTV Production Standard
    An existing standard, known as SMPTE 240M, has been established for the production of high definition television programming. The standard has 1125 lines, 2:1 interlaced, 16:9 aspect ratio and is frame and field compatible with NTSC.

    An audio tape recorder. or recording, that uses one-half the width of the tape for recording an audio signal. The ae can then be reversed and te other half on the tape used during a reverse pass.

    Hand Props
    Any object on a set which is used or handled by the talent. Also called a property.

    Hard Copy
    As opposed to soft copy, a copy of text or data printd out on paper.(p) Hard Disc Recording
    Digitally recordig audio or video on a computer type disk drive system.

    Hard Disk
    A high-capacity computer storage disk.

    Hard Light
    A sharp, focused light which casts harsh shadows.

    Hard News
    As oppise to soft news, news stories whic center on straight facts and do not emphasize the human interest angles.

    Hard Wired
    An electronic pice of equipment that is more or less permanently wired to other equipment.

    Hard-copy Prompter
    A camera prompting device that incorporates a moving paper script. ee also soft-copy prompter.

    Hardwall Flats
    A set piece used for the background of a set, generally composed of a 2x2 inch frame covered with a rigid material, such as plywood. See also softwal flats.

    The physical components of a computer and its associated equipment.

    Acoustical or electrical frequencies that ae mutiples of the basic frequency or musical tone.

    Haze Filter
    A filter hat removes ultrviolet light and diminishs haze in a scene.

    Device that records and plays back video or audio on a magnetic tape.

    Head-cleaning Cassette
    cassette loaded wth material whic cleans the vdeo eads as te cassette is "played". Often the cleanng material is augmented ith cleaning fluid.

    Head Clog
    A loss of video signal resulting from dirt in the microscopic gap f a video head.

    Head Drum
    A cylinder, set at an angle in a helical videotape machine, around which videotape is wound. The recording heads are mounted within the head drum.

    Head End
    Initial portion of cable television distribution system where signals are collected and initially amplified.

    Earphones. Listening device that fits over the head and covers the ear ued to listen to audio sources.

    The area between the top of the actor's head the top of the picture frame.

    Helical Recording
    A video recording method in which the information is recorded in diagonal tracks. aka slant-track recording.

    Helical Scan
    A video signal recorded a slight angle along the horizontal dimension of a videotape. In contrast to segmented recording, one complete video field or frame is recorded with each pass of a video head.

    Hertz (Hz)
    One cycle per second. The term was derived from the name of the 19th Century German physicist, Heinrich Hertz.

    A 8mm videotape format developed by any which is highter quality than the stanard 8mm format. Often used as an acquisition format.

    High Density
    Videotape or computer disks that pack more magnetic particles per square inch and thus allow a greater concentration of data.

    High-key Lighting
    Lighting characterized by minimal shadows and a low dey-to-fill ratio.

    High impedance.

    A make-up technique designed to emphasize selected facial features-geneally by the subtle application and blending of make-up which is slightly lighter in tonal value than surrounding skin tones.

    The brightest parts of a video image.

    Audio noise.

    HMI Light
    A high-efficiency, discharge-type light source that has the same color temperature s sunlight.

    A attention-getting incident in a production designed to capture an audience' attention.

    Horizontal Blanking
    The period in the scanning of the TV picture when the electron beam is momentarily extinguished as it moves from right to left. During this period the beam can return unseen to scan another line.

    Horizontal Resolution
    1)The number of vertical lines that can be observed by a video camera in a horizontal direction on a TV test chart.
    2)The ability of horizontal scanning lines of a video system to reproduce picture detail. This is based primarily on how quickly the system can appropriately respond to changes in image intensity.

    Horizontal Scan Rate
    The speed at which the electronic beam scans across the screen of a CRT. Hrizontal scanning rates are typically between 15KHz and 40 KHz.

    Attributed characteristic of a wire carrying an eletrical current. The term is also used to signify instrument that is turned on for example, a "hot camera" or "a hot microphone".

    Hot Spot
    Undesirable concentrations of ligh on a set or subject matter.

    Color. Refers to specific color only without the dimensions of brightness or saturation.

    An intrusive steady sound or tone causedby electrical problems. Often 60-or 120-cycle him is heard in audio frm AC power.

    Human Interest
    In contrast to hard news, stories in which news value is secondary to an appeal to feelings, emotions or sensations.

    House Lights
    Normal, existing overhead work lights in the studio or theater.

    Color. Name of a color; for example, red.

    Hum Bar
    Visble bar in video caused by introduction of 60-Hx electrical iterference.

    A highly directional mic pickup pattern.

    CATV channels above the basic channels.

    Cycles per second. A unit of frequency mesurement for sound and electromagnetic waves named after Hienrich Hertz.