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The History of GriffleBall

The beginning of GriffleBall goes way back, way back before any of us can remember. Back in the summer of 99', the players got interested in wiffleball and started playing pickup games in the owner of GriffleBall, Matt's front yard. People would play, and not keep score until the summer after this, the summer of 2001.



Mike Corbelle
One of the originals

The next year was similar, yet different in it's own way. People played, but this was normally the same people everyday; Matt Griffin, Chris Gulino, Ryan Gargan, and Mike Corbelle, it was not until 2001 when Brian Mason was introduced to GriffleBall. The boys played pickup games and now kept score, and tryed to rememeber there records but then noticed this wasn't working, we need to write it down somewhere. So they did just this. Matt, like the smart kid he was, went online and created a website on a free internet service called They kept the standings and then joked around with league leaders and other stuff like this. but soon the joking would become all serious.

All the joking and playing around...all the fun and laughter we all used to love and know in the fun outdoor activity of wiffleball was now gone, we have none of that rubish in GriffleBall..

So the season started the players picked team names and the season was underway. Stats were kept and records were being seperated. A few weeks after the season had started they relived another member would be helpful, so they decided to vote in Brian Mason, the 5th member of GriffleBall. Brian showed up and yes pretty much everyone underestimated him, and they did have a good reason to, but that's all a different story.

The 2001 season came and left. The league members planned on having a 40 game season, but barley finished half. The adopted a new member who appeared like a very good pick up; Casey Mack. The season ended and they knew a change had to be made. The next season (2002) Brian Mason retired, and three new rookies entered the league; Matt Miller, Kurtis Gibbs, and Brian Murtagh. They split the league into 2 divisions; American and National and made it a 10 games (BREAK) then 10 more games, try to make a shorter season.


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