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Past Interviews

  • Interview w/ Corbelle (4-11-02)
  • Interview w/ Gulino (5-04-02)

    Interview with Kurtis Gibbs--June 6, 2002

    Interviewer: Hello again Griffle Ball fans, I'm Roosevelt Brown here with yet another Griffleball superstar, Kurtis Gibbs. Kurtis, good to see you today, how have you been?

    Gibbs: I've been great Roosevelt, thanks for asking.

    Interviewer: So Gibbs, your a rookie this year, one of the only two because of what happened to Murt. Some unknown players have said you have been hyped up this year and your nothing. What do you have to say about that?

    Gibbs: Well, wednesday was my first official griffleball game and I was a bit nervous when I faces the legend Matt Griffin and I think that it showed. But I know it was Mike Corbelle who said this and all I have to say about him is he blows. He is a three year veterain who lose 26-8 in 4 innings to me... pitiful.

    Interviewer: You lost to another veteran, the NL leader, Chris Gulino, is Chris what you excepted?

    Gibbs: Yes, as I said before, this was my first game ever and Gulino is a three year verteran. I think that if he lost he should be ashamed. All i need is some practice and expirience. Gulino has nothing but a good, way to fast, pitch..

    Interviewer: Wow Kurtis, this is some big talk. You back it up in some aspects of the game, but you sure did not on the mound.

    Gibbs: I know, that is were you are right. My pitching is weak, I know. All it needs is a little more consitancy and some confidence.

    Interviewer: Your hitting part of your game was above entered the record books after your first day with 9 home runs in one game.

    Gibbs: Yea, I have to credit some of it on the worst player in the leauge, Mike Corbelle. Every pitch he threw, over the plate, was a meatball and I took advantage of that. But I think I can do some damage with my hitting.

    Interviewer: So you have a 1-2 record so far, what are you expecting to finish as?

    Gibbs: Well, we will see how it goes and who I get matched up against, I am hoping to win a game against Matt Griffin this year and I know I can beat the rest in time. Matt Griffin and Chris Gulino will be the two challanges this year, with verteran Casey McCormack out for a while with a hip injury.

    Interviewer: So what your saying is even though you got dominated in two games, you lsot to griffin by 35, and Gulino by 12, you are still very confident. Some players have say you do not deserve any respect by just beating Corbelle, big deal, everyone beats him.

    Gibbs: Well you see, I have played the top players in both leauges in my first day. I have very little expirience and had no time to scout out the stratagies of either player. I mean Matt Griffin is going to be big trouble, but I think Chris Gulino is deffenetly beatable.

    Interviewer: You use the aluminum bat...most players say the aluminum bat is not as good as the plastic. You can not hit for power with aluminum, do you agree?

    Gibbs: Yes. I agree, but I like the control with the aluminum bat.

    Interviewer: How many seasons do you think it will take for you to be considered among the elite of griffleball?

    Gibbs: Not till the end of the season, maybe a little earlier.

    Interviewer: What do you think the standings will look like at the end of the year?

    Gibbs: Well in the AL I can easily say Mike Corbelle in dead last by a long way. Then i feel I can finish 2nd after Griffin. And in the NL I would say Chris Gulino, then Ryan Gargan, then i'm not sure who will finish 3rd and 4th. Matt Miller or Brian Mason

    Interviewer: Do you think you have a shot taking it all this year?

    Gibbs: I think there is a chance that I could win it all this year, a small one at that, but still, a chance. I must improve my pitchin alot first.

    Interviewer: You have the nickname of Hands, due to your amazing hockey skills. We all know you are an athlete, dominating the sports of hockey and lacrosse but wiffleball in a totally different story. Do you have the stamina to last to long grueling season?

    Gibbs: Well, as you have said, I am unbelievable at hockey, I am going pro most deffenetly. I know I have what it takes to compete at this level of wiffle. All I need is some expirience and confindence.

    Interviewer: Which league do you honestly feel has more talent?

    Gibbs: Well, I Feel that the most talented is of course in the AL, Matt Griffin. But then there's the most Mike Corbelle, which kills the entire division, so probably the NL.

    Interviewer: Ok Kurt, we have to wrap it up, any additional comments?

    Gibbs: Yes, I have to warn every one out there to be scared of my new stratagies comming up, even you Matt Griffin!

    Interviewer: Thanks Kurtis, we're looking forward to a big season.

    Gibbs: Thank you.

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