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Official Website of GriffleBall

Official Rules of GriffleBall

Main Rules:

  • There is absolutely no baserunning whatsoever.
  • 2 outs per inning
  • 6 inning games, unless extra innings is needed.

    Playoff and All-star Game

    In the playoffs it will be the top 2 teams in each divison. The 1st place team in the American league will play the 2nd place National league team, and the 2nd American will play 1st National. The winners will play. The team with the better win % will decide if they want to be home or away. Whoever finishes first place in the end of the regular season (best winning %) gets a free large pizza which must be paid for by the other players. The winner of the playoffs will get 5 large pizzas, which each of the other players must buy for him. The runner-up recivevs 1 large pizza which is bought by the other 6 players which finish below him. If there is a tie for 2nd at the end of the season there will be a 1 game playoff.

    In the All-star game it will be 1st/2nd/3rd place teams in American vs. 1st/2nd/3rd in the National league. It will be a 9 inning game, with 3 outs per inning. There will be 2 fielders and a pitcher which must rotate every inning. Groundballs must be played.

    Length of Game

    A regulation game is six innings, with extra innings if necessary. In case of rain, snow, lawn chair failure, dog poop, or other natural disaster, an official game will be declared after four innings.


    There may only be a two player game going on at once, one pitcher and a batter, no fielders.

    Balls and Strikes

    • The Strike ZoneAn ordinary lawn chair determines the strike zone.  Any pitch which hits ANY part of the chair, is a strike.
    • Pitchers may pitch 1 fast pitch per batter. If they throw more then one fastball in the same at bat, that at bat is over and is considered a walk...FAST PITCH WILL BE DECIDED BY UMP
    • 3 strikes per out.  The batter is out if a foul tip with two strikes lands in the strike zone, and stays there.
    • Walks are legal, but hitting the batter only counts as a normal ball. Throwing at Mike is encouraged.
    • In order to walk there must be 5 balls in a row...EXAMPLE- If there is a 3-1 count, and a strike is called the count will go to 0-2.

    Foul Balls

    • There is a single, double, and a triple line, and then the home run fence. The only way a ball is considered foul is if the ball goes to the right of the foul pole without any contact. Any ball hit over rightfield fence will be considered whereever it lands. There is nothing you can do about those. Any ball hit down the left field side is also all playable, even if the ball goes into the pool. Only the wood is fair though, althought you may catch balls about to land in the pool or on cement.


    If a certain play falls under more than one rule below, the play result is the greater of the two rules which apply.

    A batter is awarded a Home Run if any of the following apply:

    • If the ball travels over the center field fence without falling first.
    • If a line drive or fly ball is hit, then bounces off the top of the fence and lands over it.
    • If a fly ball is hit, and bounces off the fielders hands then goes over the must be really bad to be able to do this though.
    • NOTE!!!! There is a lawn fence behind the homerun fence right at the corner. The ball MUST land on the left side of the fence for it to be a homerun, if it is on the right it is a triple or double occurdingly..

    A batter is awarded a triple of any of the following apply:

    • The ball travels in the air without landing and lands past the triple line.
    • The ball hits the fence and does not go over, but comes back into playing area.
    • If a ball is hit towards the pool, travels over it and hits the deck part, NOT THE CEMENT.

    A batter is awarded a double if any of the following apply:

    • The ball travels over the double line, but lands before the triple line.
    • A fly ball to the leftfield side that lands in the pool past the single line, and lands before the deck part after the pool.

    A batter is awarded a single of any of the following apply:

    • Any ball then goes in the air past the single line in the air, but lands before the double line.


    Outs are recorded when any of the following apply:

    • A fly ball is caught.
    • A ball is caught off any of the trees before landing on the ground. A ball may be going over the fence, hit a tree bounce back and be in play so you can catch those.
    • A ball is hit that either lands before the single line then passes it, or a ground ball is hit past the single line. It's an automatic out
    • Strikeout.


    We use this term loosely.

    • The runners advance how many bases the hit was worth...EXAMPLE- Man on 2nd, a single is hit, it is now 1st and 3rd....Man on 1st, a doublt is hit, runners on 2nd and 3rd.
    • If an error is made, baserunners still travel as far as the hit is worth.

    Double Plays

    • When there is a force play with no outs, a groundball is hit and fielded cleanly, the fielder may take one step then throw it at the strikezone. if the ball hits the strikezone before landing it is a double play.
    • If a fly ball is hit, with a runner on third, the fielder catches it then takes one steps and throws it home then hits the strikezone it is a double play. 

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