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Essentially Eddie

He is glamorous. He is glorious. He is Eddie Izzard.

"He is glamorous. He is glorious. He is Eddie Izzard."


Quoth the Raven...

OK, maybe I lied about that 'nevermore' bit...

A collection of my Eddie-related fiction.
Some of this (and more!) can be seen on other Eddie web sites (check LINKS ), some of it is only on here.

Unless someone's nicked it in which case, I'm coming to get yooooo!

(Caution, may contain vampires...)

The Tattoo     Dreamer     Mesmerised    

Untitled     Forever     Off by Heart    

Solitude     Vision     Peace    

Anticipation     Blind

Storm     Perfection     Magic     Last Night    

Alone     Whispers    

All fiction here is © Ravenscar.
Want to use it? Just ask.

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