• PETER WASHINGTON ( Ken Foree ) Sensible and quick thinking, Peter was the undoubted leader of the four-strong group right from the beginning of the movie. Asked by fellow SWAT officer Roger to run from Philadelphia, he was the main element which held the group together. Even in a huge department store he remained cool, telling Rog to "..get the stuff we need".
• ROGER DE MARCO( Scott Reiniger ) My favourite character in the film, Roger was the person responsible for bringing the group together. Although sensible and wise to begin with, his near death encounters with the Living Dead saw him to begin to crack, until finally he succumbed to death via a couple of nasty zombie bites. Played with flair and passion by Scott Reiniger, who, amazingly, never made it beyond a B-list actor.
• STEPHEN ANDREWS ( David Emge ) As a helicopter pilot for local TV station WGON , Stephen found it hard to adapt to Roger and Peters combat lifestyle. Initially the weakest link in the group, having several confrontations with Peter, he eventually toughened up and contributed greatly to the securing of the mall and the clearing up. His tragic death at the end was played tremendously well by Emge , another talented actor who was never really given the credit he was due, such as other leading roles.
• FRANCINE PARKER( Gaylen Ross) Another employee at WGON, Fran is Stephens girlfriend and feels very intimidated by her three male 'superiors'. However, as time goes on she begins to find strength and ends up as the only survivor along with Peter. Trained to fly a helicopter and taught to use a gun (albeit by herself) she is the one with the most skills by the end of the movie. Sadly, a lacklustre performance by Gaylen Ross tones down what could have been a great character.
• BLADES( Tom Savini) One of the leaders of the motorcycle gang is Blades, a reckless, crazy sunuvobitch. Armed with tens of knives and with a tendency to chop through zombies heads with a machete, his nickname is understandable. Tom Savini plays the part perfectly, although considering he invented the character I suppose you'd expect that. My favourite bad guy.