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![]()    I am not sure how many hours of my life I have spent playing this game. To me it is a part of my memories of high school. Sitting around a table with all the old guys and playing Earthdawn. To this day, I can remember all of us getting into a roll or a fight involving some of my more notable characters or Horrors. When I remember these things, I really miss those guys! If you are reading this, know that I am thinking of you. Oh yeah, Mikba is still alive!    Ok, sorry for that touching moment. This is the page dedicated to the original Earthdawn edition put out by the FASA corporation. Good luck finding sourcebooks for it. This has no connection whatsoever to the inferior second edition put out by Living Room Games. Sorry, guys, but the classic will always be my favorite.    Anyway, this has little information right now, but expect more. I threw away all the old characters stupidly. Luckily, most of my friends have great memories and are telling me about them and reminding me of what I forgot. |