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Sairewan EveningstarName: Sairewan Eveningstar Player: Brian Class: Ranger / Fighter Race: Elven Level: 3 / 1 Experience: 8000 (currently incurring 20% penalty) Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Sairewan is approaching 131 years of age. He is 62" tall and weighs about 130 pounds. He has about short sandy brown hair and blue eyes. He has an 9 inch scar on the inside of his left forearm and 6 inch scar across his right thigh. Attributes: Strength 15, Dexterity 20, Constitution 12, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 12, Charisma 7 Other Statistics: Hit Points 35, Armor Class 15 (19 with mage armor), Initiative +5, Base Attack Bonus +4 Saving Throws: (+2 Vs Enchantments) Fortitude +6, Reflex +6, Willpower +2 Combat: Melee +6 (+4 Base Attack +2 Strength), Ranged +9 (+4 Base Attack, +5 Dexterity Bonus-does not include +1 for point blank, or ranger bonus for goblinoids) Feats: Simple and Martial Weapon Proficiency, Light and Medium Armor Proficiency, Sheild Proficiency, Two-weapon fighting, Dodge, Point Blank, Track Skills: Animal Empathy (3 ranks), Climb (1 rank), Craft Boywer (5 ranks), Handle Animal (2 ranks), Hide (2 ranks), Jump (1 rank), Knowledge Nature (2 ranks), Listen (5 ranks), Move Silently (5 ranks), Search (2 ranks), Spot (6 ranks), Wilderness Lore (5 ranks) Weapons: Peaceful Hearthı a +2 longbow, +11 to attack (+9 base ranged, +2 bow) D8+3 damage (see further magic powers) Crit: x3 Special powers: Cast Catıs grace 1/day, Cast Bless Weapon 1/day Current level of bow is 4th with 600 XPıs Long sword (with Mage Armor when drawn) +6 to Attack (+4 base Attack +2 Strength) Crit: 19-20/ x2 When using two weapons with short sword attack +4 to attack. Short sword +6 to attack (+4 Base +2 strength) damage is d6+2; crit 19-20/x2 when used as a secondary weapon attack is only +4 and damage is d6+1. Armor: none worn, except receives bonus of Mage Armor when long sword drawn. Magical Equipment:
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Goblin Other Notes: Sairewan is the only member of the current group who remembers the horrific event know as the God Wars. He was about 10 when it occurred. He grew up revering Elhona. Sairewan and his immediate family only survived as they grew up an very isolated village. He survived a goblin attack on his village at a young age suffering the injuries that resulted in his his scars on the arm and leg. This prompted him to begin hunting them. Recently upon starting adventuring he and others along, bumped into a pool of power from the Godhead. From there they were informed that if they continue to grow, they could eventully become the new gods. He has recently begun to get some good natured grief from his associates when every he misses a shot (which is rather rare). He takes it partially in stride but is working to improve his shots. |