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<  {Fan Fiction}         {FAQ}         {Annoy ppl}        {Represent}      

 Right people, good charlotte is about the music, but you have to learn to represent and stand up for the music you love so much, its the same way with all bands, you wear their t shirts, you tell people about them, you build websites, so im just gonna lecture you about it for a bit. Im starting to feel that some good charlotte fans do need a push in the right direction sometimes :p

1. Tell people about Good Charlotte, I mean don't pester them or anything, that's just mean, just say stuff like 'download some Good Charlotte, you'll like it' or just tell ppl you talk to that Good Charlotte are a good band, the more ppl you tell the more ppl will buy gc's albums (and no epic aren't paying me to say this)

2. Wear the merchandise whenever possible, just to get the gc vide out there :p, I know this can be expensive, so I have a plan for you all, you can either buy cheap t shirts and buy some cheap fabric paint and paint ure design on, or go to a t shirt printers~ but that would still cost you around £12, only a few pounds cheaper than the real thing really.

3. Build a web site, I DO NOT however recommend this for the easily stressed or not very patient types, as believe me, unless you have fantastic graphics/IT skills its very difficult to do in a short space of time, and if you have a computer such as mine it can knock ten years or so off your life. But on the other hand, its a very rewarding experience, you meet loads of new friends, and the best thing is you can talk about gc with them all, it also makes you very happy when ppl take the time to email you and say they like your work :D

4. Ring up radio stations/vote for their songs/request DJ's to play their songs. This way more people out there hear gc, so more people have a chance to like them. Plus these^ ppl will realize that gc is what the public wants/needs and will give us more of it :p so everyone wins this way.