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 20 Ways to force your mates to love Good Charlotte

Warning! I cannot be held responsible if your friends never talk to you again after you make them do these things!


1. Shut them in a cupboard with the Good Charlotte guys and five big rats, hopefully the Good Charlotte guys will comfort your mates and won't run around screaming.

2.Whenever you ring your mates phone and its switched off leave Good Charlotte music on their answering machine.

3. Dress up as a different GC guy every day and act like they would so your mates grow to love them.

4. When you go to sleepovers whisper GC Lyrics in their ears so they wake up singing it.

5. Make your next party a Good Charlotte fancy dress one, and if your mates refuse to dress up- simply egg them till they do.

6. Change your name to 'Good Charlotte lover' and don't answer anyone unless they call you it.

7. Make a GC trivial pursuit game and force your mates to play till they know all the answers off by heart.

8. Email your mates a different picture of Good Charlotte everyday :)

9. Badger them until they download 'Little Things' and sit there while they listen to it smiling sweetly.

10. Dig out your mates practice exam papers, and modify them. E.g. 'If Benji had two apples and bought five more apples, how many apples could he give to Paul for his birthday?'

11. Set your mates up on dates with GC lovers/ look-alikes.

12. Tattoo 'GC' on their arses as they sleep.

13. Make a Good Charlotte web site and don't shut up about it until they look at it and add it to their favorites.

12. If they ever insult Good Charlotte in their presence shout lyrics at them and storm off.

13. Plaster you walls in GC posters and explain the story behind each one every time they come round.

14. Get your hair done like Benji's, then suggest all your mates do the same.

15. Twist every conversation round so its main topic is GC. Example: Mate: "OoooooO I had pizza for Tea!" You: "Hey! Did you know Benji likes pizza?, Good Charlotte are so kool aren't they?" Mate: "Kool!, GC are wicked!"

16. For your mates birthday compile a video of all GC TV appearances and then watch them together every time they're at yours.

17. Get a can of spray paint and spray 'Good Charlotte Rock This House' on your mates front door'

18. ALWAYS play GC music every chance you get, especially so your mates can hear.

19. Stand in the middle of town with a giant Good Charlotte banner, force your mate to stand with you and hand out leaflets.

20. Continually buy them pizzas with Good Charlotte spelt out in pepperoni (by Claire)