SM Action Saddlebred, slightly customized-head turned and new tail sculpted. Scanner lies-tail actually has a small flip on the bottom-doesn't quite drag like that! Painted dark bay funky tobiano. Completed 1/99, o/b Jaci Hibbert.
SM Silky Sullivan, manipulated into a Friesian. Actually, he is not finished. Has had more added to his chest since scan, plus will probably have neck changed.
SM Arab mare, slightly customized, with head brought up, new ears sculpted, tummy tuck, and new tail. Painted red bay rabicano. o/b Twyla Brower
This is a new mold Saddlebred, on the way to becoming a walkaloosa. Head and tail positions have been relaxed. New mane will be sculpted. Lots of facial surgery here!
SM Native Dancer, currently being twisted into a Hackney (maybe Saddlebred) legs and hooves have yet to be finished, tail sculpted.
This is a SM Arab stallion, head tucked and new mane sculpted. Ear to come!
SM Arab stallion, slightly repositioned and customized into a National Show Horse cmsmsb.gif cutupss.gif catheyappy2.jpg catheyrmh.gif highlandpony.jpg jacipaso.jpg maryanndraft.jpg
Where to From Here?
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