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Games Main Page Story Fans Links Specials E-Mail Pengwin Update: 5-9-99

Site Map

Main: The front page. This is where updates will be listed, and it is the second page one sees.

Games: Pretty self-explanatory. Click on the "Games" link on the toolbar, and you'll be warped to the section that covers all of the Mario games, upon completion. Probably the most informative part of the site.

Story: The story warp will one day contain all the Mario stories and quests. It will probably also be the place to find out about characters. Also one of the places you can find the Ongoing Story.

Fans: Your section of the site. This is where you'll find music, games, a message board and chat, a few special sections such as the "Did You Know..." section, the Ongoing Story, Polls, Letters, Fan Fiction, Editorials, a place to buy Mario Stuff, Mario stuff from the past, Contests, Rumors, and believe or not, probably more! Remember-- this is a site where what you want is what you get!

Links: Clicking on Yoshi brings you to the Link page, where fellow Mario Sites are rated, other gaming sites are shown off, and affiliates are given a way to sign up.

E-Mail Pengwin: If you want to reach me, click on the Flower, and say what you need to say! If I like your comments, or if your comments provoke thought, they may be placed in the Letters section.

Specials: Where I'll place Special features. Interviews, Histories, and other unique items will be placed here, just click on Bowser.

Discaimer: Legal Stuff

Staff Openings: Like what you see? Well then, apply to work here! We can always use your help, and this text link is where you sign-up from!

Current Staff: Who works here? Find out in this section.

Credits: The people who helped this ite out immensely.

Site Map: This Page!