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Kaydet Girls
barracks  :  kg 101  :  in the mail  :  k coy  :  milit@ry  :  log book

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Read the literary works of Kaydet Girls & PMA enthusiasts for a touch of inspiration, a dose laughter, and for that much needed extra mile of understanding.

Love Do's & Don't's
<Queen Gueniver>

i. don't tell me you love me
but show me you do
never say you care
instead dare to share
for it could never be read
between barren lines
but can only be recognized
by a warmth feelin' of bliss

ii. never hold my hand alone
but embrace my being as whole
don't caress me with passion
but fill me in with absolute affection
be ever sensitive, more careful
with a slight mistake possible
you'll lose my grasp at once
unbearable shall be the consequence

iii. don't try skimming on my thoughts
but learn to understand my innermost
never listen with your ears
instead antisipate with your heart
for it's not in a shout you'll hear
but of a kind and silent whisper
it's not in a forceful way to feel
but of the finnest manner

iv. never steal a kiss on my cheeks
instead passionately kiss me on my lips
don't go wishing on a fallen star
be a dreamer, but don't go too far
don't wish for forever with me
coz you'll only earn regrets
you'll come to live my worth
then find forever not even enough...

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barracks  :  kg 101  :  in the mail  :  k coy  :  milit@ry  :  log book


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