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Read the literary works of Kaydet Girls & PMA enthusiasts for a touch of inspiration, a dose laughter, and for that much needed extra mile of understanding.

To my foster brother, a Sanghaya Cavalier
<Ate Ping>

To My Foster brother, A Sanghaya Cavalier,

     Everything seemed to happen so fast, it's been four years that you began your sojourn in the Philippine Military Academy, from plebehood days to your firstclass years. I am as proud as your parents and friends watching the gray line over Borromeo Field, marching bold and gallant, head up and proud Cavaliers. With a knowledge that this maybe the last time I could share ample moments with you, for after shedding the gray I know that you will be facing another milestone in life as one of defenders of our country. Allow me to share of what my innermost thoughts had been for you.

     I want to tell you how grateful I am in making me a part of your profound life as your Ate. I thank you for the very day you considered and trusted me as your friend and a confidant. For a short time, and if only for this, I am very thankful that our paths crossed. As you start on your first few steps I know it will offer you trials as well as triumphs but always walk down on winding pathways with courage, hope and humor. Savor fully the promise of your achievements but learn and treasure the lessons of your defeats.

     Be thankful to those who have molded you as what you are today - your loved ones, friends and mistahs. Be thankful, a word of appreciation is noble when it is acknowledged and recognized. Don’t take for granted the virtues you learn from persons closest to your heart for these might help you shape your future ahead. Think the road ahead as a challenge, by living your life one day at a time. Always remember not to run through life so fast that you might forget not only where you’ve been but also where you’re going. Be not afraid to encounter risks for it is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave. Strive to live to the best of your ability but don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. As you begin to thread a new path, seek His plan and follow where He might lead you. In your everyday undertakings do not forget to give your graces to His High and Mighty for your life is in His hands.

     Surely, it will be a long wait for the time I could see you once again, for all I have are memories to remember the days I spent with you. It is indeed worthwhile having you as my foster brother, to share things with you - good times, bad times, little things, big events, ordinary days, holidays. Everything is better for me because you’re a part of it. Go ahead kid! I am proud of you!! Be true, like Sanghaya...with honor and nobility... Whatever life will be, you can always count on me! I am your Ate remember? Take Care and God Bless.

Ate Ping

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