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Kaydet Girls
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Read the literary works of Kaydet Girls & PMA enthusiasts for a touch of inspiration, a dose laughter, and for that much needed extra mile of understanding.

To The Memory of a Mistah

I do not personally know you
Yet I am hurt by you
I have not even seen you
Yet you gave me so much pain

I never thought I'd be hurt by someone who does not
even know me, and I don't personally know him. But it
did happen to me and I think it is bound to happen
every now and then.

I was going my way as a student, hearing and seeing
all the clamor that has taken place in such a chaotic
world, a chaotic country. I was aware of the growing
intensity of violence and the diminishing chances for
peace. I always saw that suffering which engulfs the
nation. The present situation I am in while writing
this may seem very much confusing. Yes, I admit that
and I, too, am extremely baffled.

He was probably going about his daily duties as an
armed man. He had given up his civilian life, like
many others like him, for the country and spent four
years in the premier military institution. He does
know me and at this point in time I probably did not
put much attention to him one bit.

But an event made realize that we are bonded together
by this ring we both wear; this ring of mine which my
loved one gave me; this institution we both belong
(though mine's belonging is indirect). There was
something there that connected us to each other even
if it is only I who know it because he'll no longer be
there to know it.

He was going back to base from a medical mission,
somewhere there up North when rebels ambushed his
party. He was killed together with a Colonel and with
other unsung heroes both military and civilian alike.

Word got around about his death and everybody who
knew him mourned his passing away. I, on my part, was
awestruck. I was both unmoved and hurt, mixed
feelings enveloped me but in the end I cried myself to

As I face another day I realized that we are truly
bonded by this RING, by this class, by this

As I close my eyes in prayer
And say whisper some for you
I hold this ring near my heart
And hold you close in my heart too.

Even if I do not personally know you
Even if I have not even seen you.
Because I know that you and I are bonded.

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barracks  :  kg 101  :  in the mail  :  k coy  :  milit@ry  :  log book


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