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Kaydet Girls
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Read the literary works of Kaydet Girls & PMA enthusiasts for a touch of inspiration, a dose laughter, and for that much needed extra mile of understanding.

All My Life
a poem dedicated to 2Lt. Mangaser '00

There's so much I want to say to you,
but no words seem strong enough
to express the depth of what I feel for you.

I can say that all of my life
I've looked for someone like you.

I want to share my life with someone who's kind,
affectionate, intelligent, passionate,
responsible, caring, easy-going,
considerate, generous, determined, and hard-working.

I've dreamed of someone who loved animals, children,
romantic strolls beneath the moonlight,
and long lazy nights before the fire.

I wanted someone who has a good heart and cares about others,
someone who's willing to go that extra mile for someone in need.

You're all of these things and so much more,
and I'm overjoyed that you're part of my life.
And though I care about you
more than words could ever say,
I'll say it anyway.....


with all my heart and
to the very depth of my soul.

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