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Kaydet Girls
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Read the literary works of Kaydet Girls & PMA enthusiasts for a touch of inspiration, a dose laughter, and for that much needed extra mile of understanding.

The Monster Behind the Uniform

      Being two-timed is one of the worst things in life, not to mention psychologically damaging. It happens when you least expect it, when you most love that person and when you just announced to society that he is the greatest. And then doom unfolds its self to you, all transpiring in slow motion, like a goofy, low-budget action movie; His calls are becoming more and more infrequent; his deep, baritone voice blubbering some lame, half-baked excuse, feeling sad he wouldn't be able to make it to your birthday party; he accidentally, almost unnoticeably, addresses you by the wrong name. You start to get suspicious so you get up the nerve to ask him, "Mahal, why do I get this feeling that you're not being one hundred percent honest with me?" And he answers you, with great acting ability, complete with blinking puppy eyes, making your heart skip a dangerous number of times,"Mahal naman, you know that you are the only woman I want to spend the rest of my life with! Come on, let's go get some pizza!"

      Mouth gaping, you find him at the mall, his hairy arm wrapped around a girl wearing cheap, heavy make-up, looking as if she hadn't recovered yet from a major surgical operation (and I know you know what I mean). Is there no justice in this world? You rub your eyes to check if you were having a bad dream, only to find out that it is for real. To further mock your composure, the girl bats her ridiculously thick eyelashes at your hunk-of-a-boyfriend, stroking his face with a perfectly manicured hand and gives him a lingering kiss on the lips. Mr. I-thought-you-were-the-one-But-I-Guess-I-Was-Wrong sees you marching towards him and protectively shields the creature he was with from your fury. The reader can probably guess the next chain of events that happened afterwards. But I'll give you a hint: Intensive Care Unit.

      It would probably take several sessions with the psychiatrist before you get over the traumatic experience of being discarded by your perfect little boyfriend. He was idolized by your little brother; adored by your 12-year-old; trusted by your mother because he was a PMAer, knowing he will live up to these - Courage, Loyalty and Integrity - Only to find out the bitter truth that he would make you look like a complete moron after all the sacrifices you did for him.


      It was September 10, 2000 when I met the most amazing guy in the world. Or so I thought. It was that particular day when the entrance examinations for the Philippine Military Academy were held - he was the cadet assigned to supervise the "A" room - Spencer was his name.

      I had always been filled with the belief that PMA cadets and graduates are nothing but ill-mannered, pig-headed creeps whose only purpose of existence was to manipulate the female population. All my friends told me to give him a chance to prove that I was wrong about Military men. So I did.

      Words cannot clearly articulate the bliss he made me feel when we were together. Spencer had many plans for us - our future together. I was never bothered by the fact that he was four years older than me, knowing he would be there to help me grow. I truly looked up to him and made him the only inspiration in my life. He made me very happy - Deliriously happy.

      Until the day I learned about the "Other Woman". Anger was the only emotion I could feel that very moment. I had been deluded in the most humiliating way possible and I hated him for making me believe in all his lies. If I had only known that Spencer would eventually make a flaming imbecile out of me, I'd have bailed out from the very beginning.

Depressed, I am Not

      I'm not as depressed as I was two days ago. Right now, I'm feeling sort of, giddy, high-spirited, and relieved at the same time. I guess it has a lot to do with the fact that Spencer called, not to get back together with me, but to say how sorry he was for cheating on me. At first, I was furious at him for telling me that he was gloriously happy with "the other woman". I could not believe the gargantuan size of his ego!! Here I was, moping around, feeling so sorry that things sucked between us, while he, on the other hand, had the nerve to tell me that he was having the time of his life with that creep! I was clutching the phone with such intensity that my knuckles turned white. Anyway, that was the dreadful part of the story. The good side was that Spencer didn't give me a lame explanation for doing what he did to me. I would never have listened anyway because he would only be insulting my intelligence by trying to make me believe that it was all just a "major misunderstanding". He still knew me better than that.

      I have tried hard to make things work for both of us. But it just wasn't enough. However, I still wouldn't miss any chance to show that girl that I loathed her guts. She practically threw herself at him despite the fact that she knew he was already committed. I would pay big money to see her hanged and dried like a piece of beef jerky. Additional irritating information about her: she pronounces, "Church" as "Chaaarrchh". How ridiculous could you possibly get?

      I'm only seventeen years old. Maybe it still isn't time for me to be involved emotionally (my father would slaughter me if he found out I already had a boyfriend). Maybe some unknown alien race is still undergoing creation, and one of them is destined to be my lifelong partner. Maybe I really am meant to be a nun or a missionary to be sent to a place called Timbuktu. I'll bet Sister Fidela's jaw will drop so hard I'll have to pick it off the ground for her if she ever sees me togged up in the distinctive curtain and batman suit! I mean, who knows?


      Well, things have been doing great around here. I'm totally immersed in my writing and already; I have created several pieces to be submitted to the University paper. The best thing about summer vacation is that I really have the time to do the things I've always wanted to do during school days, like writing. Whenever Papa is home, however, it's a different account. Everything's fast-paced that you hardly even have time to think about the next thing to be done. It's hard, you know, having him for a father because he expects you to do stuff your body cannot even bear to execute.

      Spencer has always been a special part of my life. Whether or not he really treasured me is inconsequential. The only thing that matters is that he made me gloriously happy - deliriously happy, even for just a split second of my sad life, and that is what's significant. Knowing him and loving him is one of the paramount things that ever happened to me. I was pretty much enraged by what he did to me. If there is one thing I cannot tolerate in this world, it's lying, and he lied to me.

      Things have been healed between us. I have forgiven him, yet at the back of my mind he is still there. Voices still murmur. Visions still preoccupy. Memories persist to hang on. I know perfectly well that there will never be another possibility for the two of us to get back together because he is happy with her.

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