| (Almost) Daily NewsNews Archive --- The place for old news if you happened to miss some.
December 11th, 2000
It's been a long time since we've last met,
It's been a while since I've had the time,
I hope you haven't missed me horribly,
With that lovely thing to start us off, I welcome you to my humble little news page once again. I apologize for the lack of updates in the past months, but I've been busy and html bites me harder and harder in the ass every single time. Also, I have several side projects going on tat are taking up all my online time (the little that there is in the first place). First, there is the never-ending Silverchair page that I've yet to even half way finish. Then, here comes the good stuff, there's the Losers In Love site that Vanessa and I have been working our asses off -- or rather her working her ass off and me taking all the glory -- on. I demand you go visit and join or leave a message on the message board. Please? I'm sure you noticed the little banner on the main page. Other than that, I've also revamped the guestbook, adding questions and such. Feel free to sign it, because as I'm sure you know, I refuse to delete entries. Which results in some certain *mean* messages, but they will stay to show how many people are really that horribly negative towards me. It's the truth and I cannot erase the truth. Right? I've also been working more on the Rape List, but some of the new stuff isn't done yet so some of the links dont' work. I'll let you know when I finish getting all the new crap up -- though it might be a while. Promise
I won't promise to e your friend forever
Yes, I'm a very rhyming mood today. I wrote that in math, I think. Damn school officials. How the hell are they going to be so stupid? They call snow days when there is no snow and don't call jack when it's icy outside and buses have to drive down windy little roads that aren't very safe in the first place. Who controls this crap anyway? Some asshole is sitting in his office, or maybe even at home, nice and cozy, not having to worry about calculus or AP English, looking out the window and thinking, "those stupid kids. One of them smashed in my mailbox last night. Let's call for school. Hopefully one of them will break their necks getting there." And then on days when it's perfectly fine outside, not that we mind a school day off, the fucking retard calls for the day off because the forecaster is *expecting* slush. Doesn't he know well enough what that means? You can't trust the weather guys. They're asses in suits with a clicker who switch from map to map and steal other channel's information so much nobody knows whose is right or wrong so they give you whatever the hell they feel like. Damn forecasters. And why the hell don't they have to point to the map anymore? They just sit at the goddamn computer and use their mouse. And they can't draw straight lines on the computer so it comes out looking like crap. And as they draw a circle around the "mass of percipitation", they accidentally cover up the winter storm warning covering DC or something, thereby causing the school official to make schools continue as always and having kids fall all over the ice and break their necks. And now let's talk about people in general. People who change and don't let other people know and then act like total assholes to those other people and nice at other times, which completely confuses the situation. And admist the chaos, both parties pretend like nothing is wrong and life is still the picture-perfect way it used to be, one too terrified and the other too self absorbed to confront the issue. People lie, decieve, backstab, ignore, offend, love, hate, lust, obey, kill . . . and we are the most intelligent being on the earth? Isn't that just a little bit frightening? Damnit. And then there's the election. For god sakes, just flip a coin. I am so sick of hearing all this talk, hell, I'm even sick of myself complaining about all this talk. I think at this point, the nation is so sick of this, Saddam fucking Hussein could be elected president and nobody would care (or probably know the difference) anyway. If people had just gone with my theory of Adam Carrolla/Teresa Tung for president/VP and Weird Al as advisor in chief, it would be a hell of a merrier fucking Christmas for all, now wouldn't it? How long can a country -- one of the most prestigious in the world, supposedly -- drag something like this on? We've heard the voice of the majority, they don't know what the hell they're talking about, they can't even punch holes in papers. Now let's listen to the minorities -- like me. And Adam Carolla. Damnit now I'm pissed. Go join the Losers In Love (I'm leaving last time's news up so you can read the Black and Blue review).
November 26th, 2000Happy late Turkey day to all. Hope you all enjoyed it. There's much to say but Teresa has no time to say it, so she'll catch up with you some other time.I finally got Black and Blue on Friday night, and just twenty minutes ago, wrote up a review. So here goes: Black and Blue -- A Review The album, from a die-hard fan's perspective, holds both old and new Backstreet styles, some songs going back to the days of Backstreet Boys (the international release -- hence, first album ever) and others pushing past the year 2001. Teresa, instead of doing her Spanish homework (damn you Don Quijote) examines each song, one by one:
In the end, Black and Blue came through, with unique beats, interesting effects, and stronger-than-ever vocals. The concept of the album as critics beating the boys Black and Blue with their constant bashing reflects acceptance and strength. The lack of a picture of the boys on the cover of the album, I think, really represents the musicianship of the boys, rather than the pretty faces. The album goes back to the roots of the first album, pushes forwards to cutting edge technology, and really shows that the Backstreet Boys are back, again, all right. -November 26, 2000- Hope you all enjoyed that.
November 20th, 2000"Some days you're the dog; other days you're the hydrant." Today, I'm the guy walking the dog, cleaning off the hydrant. The lack of news is irking me, especially considering the changes to the site. First: The Main Page has been updated/changed to look better and display the banners I've been making. Second: The About Me page was updated a while ago, but I forgot to put up a news entry about it. There's a new picture of me, but it's immensely huge and I don't like it. I might've changed a few things, but I forget. I'm now co-running the Guilt By Association page, so check that out. Their banner is on the main page as well. Aii . . . Black and Blue comes out tomorrow! Go get it guys, even if the street freeze over. Even though I doubt it will. How rocking' would that be? Two day week . . . that'd be awesome. Too bad I HATE Thanksgiving, but that's besides the point. About the Backstreet Boys, though, they are so amazingly coming back it's not even funny. I'm so happy and proud. It's too bad I haven't been able to see any of their TV appearances and such, because I LIVE at school (I only come home to sleep, literally . . . at least that's how it's been for two weeks). But still, they're everywhere, on Rosie, on TRL, etc. etc. SOMH is at #10 this week, which I think is fairly impressive, and continuing to climb up. Last night, I couldn't fall asleep and was surfing the radio and of course, I can recognize any of the BSB's voices immediately, so I heard Nick and stopped. They were WPing Black and Blue. Wow . . . I heard a few of them and now I cannot WAIT to get the album. I couldn't wait before, but now it's anticipation that's running crazily through me. There's this one song named "Time" that makes me think of somebody in a bittersweet kind of way . . . In the past two weeks, I have gone through menopause and labor (though not at the same time). My body's been like, "hah, to hell with you, I'm going to act up and make you feel like shit." So, bleh. But life's been good, in a hectic, spinning-my-head, losing-my-mind kind of way. The musical was this past Thursday-Saturday and I think the actors did well, especially on Friday. Despite the fire alarm that we had! A LAS was having a dance upstairs and the circuit f-ed up, so the fire alarm went off and we had to clear the auditorium, which really blew. But Tim did an awesome job and all the actors were amazing. Andrew, you are NOT more lovely than me. Even if you have oranges and I have like, clementines or something. Speaking of boobs, I will never have children, courtesy of Todd and a piece of wood. Chicky is evil! He makes me do crazy things . . . I don't wanna lap dance, I don't . . . Emmett's angels how you get down like that, la la la . . . The set really came together towards the end, with all of Felicia's foam art and such, and I was really proud of it. I wish all of you would've come, even if you live in Australia. And as for Vanessa and Rich and other people I never see who came, I really appreciate it. I love you all very much. Other than that, report cards come out Wednesday. I think I did well, so hopefully I can shove it in my mother's face and laugh. Of course, I would never to such a thing. Never! Um, um, um . . . there was something else really important. OH YEAH. Xila gots herself AIM and her screenname is Xilazi, so talk to her much! Tell her how much we love and miss her! Let's see, what else, what else . . . My stomach really hurts, but I think that has something to do with rubber chickens and too much candy. Odd. Megan's at outdoor ed, the lucky little girl that she is! A whole week of no school. *Drools in envy and jealousy* It's okay babay, I love her anyway. My four months of Learner's Permit is up tomorrow (same day as Black and Blue!) but I only have six hours of experience. SIX! I tried driving with my mother on Saturday, but . . . let's put it this way, I ended up stopping in the middle of Georgia Avenue to make her drive, it was that . . . interesting. It would've been so awesome to get my liscence on the same day as Black and Blue, though. It snowed today. It was sooo pretty. I kinda twirled and ran and got wet in it. I like. I'm a member of the losers-in-love-club because I fall in love with my best friends. Join, call Vanessa. Alright, that's enough, guys. Break it up now.
Foreverly yours,