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Sheffield on Steroids?
Well you have heard all the news on all the sports shows involving steroids. What we have here is an exclusive look into a particular individual. We supply the data and you make the call. Sheffield on Steriods is the question.
This investigation has been ongoing for a couple of years now and when Sheffield denied ever using "roids" we had to do some of our own investigating. The pics below are factual pics that were not edited in any shape or form. We back this with the 100% Julio stamp of approval.
Sheffield says no to Steroids...or so he says!
We ask you to look carefully at this pic before looking at the next we supply. Notice the amount of uber ripness in this picture. We applaud any man that can keep this kind of physique. Of course you are saying to yourself "I don't remember Sheffield looking that ripped" and to you I say..I know. Of course he never appeared to be that big but a uniform can make someone look decieving.
Sheffield started his pro ball in Milwaukee where he struggled to fit in and never got any playing time. He was then traded to San Diego and it was there that he exploded onto the scene. Some acquisations were made then but nothing to this magnitude. From there his career only got better but there is one thing that sticks out like a sore thumb. Gary Sheffield is known to suck in the early months like April in May. Its in the latter months that he turns it on and makes his run towards greatness.
It was with this news that we decided to dig a little deeper. We sent John to do a little undercover work with the Yankees. After the news about Sheff signing with the Yanks, John went up and did a little spying on the superstar. Having said that we now supply you the second pic we discovered. We must say that anyone under 18 please look away now.
As you can see, Sheffield is extremely thin here and has some skin discoloration. Perhaps he should get that looked at!
John was able to sneak into a hotel of which Sheffield was staying. On that specific night, Gary had a special guest hooker. However, since this isn't about prostitutes, we will leave that to a higher source.
John was able to get away unnoticed but this evidence is crushing when it comes to Sheffield making his case. This should prove without doubt that Gary does in fact use steroids on a frequent basis. We hope that this enlightens you on the current investigation. When Steroids is brought up anywhere in sports, alway expect the unexpected.
After recieving this pics I sat down with Jorge "God" Julio himself to see what he thinks. When asked about the devastating evidence Julio responded "We all know that sucka was using. It was only a matter of time before he was caught. And what a fat slut that's with him. Or course Sheff will be dealt with, if you know what I mean"! Oooh, I can't wait to see what happens here.
So there you go guys, you have seen the pictures and now you make the call. Is Gary Sheffield using Steroids? If you feel the need to respond (and we ask that you do) leave a response in the guest book. Some people that do leave a message will be involved in the next segment of Hatemail!
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