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The Whole-Life Connection

Mission Statement - The Whole-Life Connection exists to effectively assist people to optimise their life potential by providing a wholistic framework encompassing healing, learning and personal growth, thus empowering them to lead satisfying and fulfilling lives.

Wholistic Remediation for all manner of Learning Difficulties



Alternatives to Medication for ADD/ADHD, depression, anxiety etc.

Rosemary Boon Registered Psychologist
M.A.(Psych), Grad. Dip. Ed. Studies (Sch.Counsel), Grad. Dip. Ed., B.Sc., MAPS

Member of The Australian Psychological Society, Australian Guidance and Counselling Association,
Counsellors and Psychotherapists Association of NSW, SPELD, SSLDSG,
President Elect of TheSociety for Neuronal Regulation - Australian Division, Affilliate of EEG Spectrum USA.

Assessment, Remediation, Screening and Counselling of Individuals
with Learning Difficulties and Attention Deficit Disorder, and behavioural problems.
QEEG , Biofeedback and Neurofeedback, Heart Rate Variability Training, Sound Therapy,
Retained Reflexes, Hypnotherapy, Body Work - Massage, Bowen Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy,
Breathwork, Meditation, Rei-ki, Astrology

Telephone and Facsimile:
Sydney (+61 2) 9727 5794


P.O. Box 7120
Bass Hill NSW 2197

In 1991, Rosemary Boon established Learning Discoveries Psychological Services (LDPS) to provide alternative therapies to medication for the treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and Remedial Teaching to children, adolescents and adults with learning difficulties. Rosemary's vision is to eventually establish a school of healing and remediation to provide a wholistic framework from which people may develop and optimise their talents according to their specific needs.

To this end, Rosemary continues to travel and study extensively gathering information and gaining qualifications in techniques and therapies from around the globe to provide the most comprehensive assessment and remedial system for those with learning difficulties in Australia today. She has an international reputation as an educational psychologist, teacher and trainer.

The next step toward Rosemary's vision is, "The Whole-Life Connection", created in 2001, through the union of two fields of enquiry - namely the physical and metaphysical causes of disharmony to the human body, mind and spirit. More importantly, this union has led to the creation one of the most comprehensive centres of wholeness and well-being in Australia today.

Wholistic health and well-being of mind, body and spirit is what The Whole-Life Connection is all about.

To this end we have gathered many therapies, techniques and disciplines 'under one roof' to provide an individualised and functional approach to guidance and the learning process in the treatment and amelioration of all manner of difficulties, disharmony and dis-ease.

In this regard, the road to optimal health and realisation of your potentials is a continual learning process, and our clients are always treated as individuals who matter. We work with you in a dynamic, process-oriented, and interactive manner, jointly constructing meaning with personal needs to ascertain the best way of proceeding for you, rather than making pronouncements without your explicit input.

Specific protocols of treatments administered either alone or in combination, depending upon your individual needs, have been developed to augment the natural healing faculties of the human body and assist you on the path to the realisation and optimisation of your potentials in every facet of your life.

The Whole-Life Connection thus caters for a wide variety of presenting problems from pain management, ADD/ADHD, and comorbidities such as learning difficulties, epilepsy, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders to personal crises.

Brain Mapping (qEEG), auditory and other sensory discrimination assessments, hair and blood analysis for nutrient and vitamin intake and specific testing of function, and psychometric assessment are just some of the methods employed in gathering information on the best way to proceed in your specific healing journey.

Multimodal training methods offered include:- Psychological Counselling; Remedial Teaching; Sound Therapy; qEEG Biofeedback and Neurofeedback; a range of Body Work therapies, Breathwork and Meditation; Rei-ki; Aromatherapy and Bach Flower Remedies; Nutrition; Craniosacral Therapy; Remedial Massage, Humanistic/Psychological Astrology Services

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine,
but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame,
in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease"
- Thomas Edison

The teaching methods and programmes used at The Whole-Life Connection are based on the latest research from cognitive psychology and brain studies, blended in a unique way to accommodate diverse learning styles and needs.

These include:-

There are no magic cures for ADD. However, it can be managed.

Medication alone is inadequate to treat all the comorbidities (accompanying deficits) of the disorder. The treatment of ADD is 90% education. For each person directly affected by ADD there are many more: family, friends and peers; employers and citizens- who all suffer emotionally and financially because of the condition.

Services offered comprise a wholistic approach in remediation of the difficulties presented, whereby all factors and function of the human system are assessed and treated as a whole, so that the system can in turn become balanced and whole.

Such factors as diet, and life style -with particular emphasis on vitamin and mineral uptake, physical and emotional trauma, including genetic, structural, metabolic and neuropsychological factors; functional factors such as vestibular, ocular motor function, auditory and visual processing, motor co-ordination, balance, integration of primitive reflexes and developmental and academic skills.

It has been found that much time and effort is wasted when the basic order of the model decided upon is not followed.

The Learning Pyramid (Diagram 2) is the basis of all remedial models

Diagram 1. The Objective and what we can help with


Diagram 2. The Pyramid of Learning, Development & Well-Being - the model followed

It has been found that much time and effort can be wasted if the model as outlined is not strictly adhered to.

Diagram 3.

In House services offered

Referrals either before, in conjunction, or after the above interventions may be necessary depending upon presenting difficulties and may include such specialists as:-

  • Behavioural optometrists
  • Chiropractors
  • Osteopaths
  • Medical practitioners
  • Pathologists
  • Speech therapists
  • Audiologists
  • Homeopaths
  • Naturopaths



Diagram 4.

How we proceed with assessments.

Diagnostic Interview

The aim here is to gain a full developmental & familial history in order to better understand the wide range of underlying factors that may be present.


Nutritional Assessment of Mineral and Vitamin uptake

Depending on the case history, hair sample analysis and/or pathological assessment may be considered to ascertain environmental toxicity or nutrient deficiencies or allergies and referral to outside specialists may be necessary.

Quantitative Electroencephlograph

The QEEG (or ‘brain mapping‘) allows determination of brain function (production of specific brain waves from various sites) during 4 conditions - eyes closed, eyes open, simple math and reading. This assessment guides the choice of neurofeedback protocols.

Test Of Variable Of Attention - TOVA

This assessment quantifies the variables of attention, impulsivity, and rate of variability of response, and is utilised in conjunction with the QEEG results to define EEG Biofeedback protocols.

Psychometric Testing

Includes IQ testing (if not current, and considered necessary), and/or assessment of learning difficulties and standardised tests of literacy and numeracy skills.

Central Auditory Processing

Hearing and listening capabilities are tested in terms of the brain’s processing of the information. Assessment involves evaluating the speed of processing auditory information as well as phonological awareness.

Neurodevelopmental Assesments

This assessment includes, fine muscle coordination, balance and patterns of motor development, the presence of aberrant reflexes, laterality, occulo-motor functioning and visual perceptual ability.

Diagram 5.
Summary of Interventional Modalities utilised for presenting difficulties

Presenting Difficulty


EEG Biofeedback

EDS Light

Sound Therapy



Diet & Nutrition




Bach Flowers






Cognitive Memory

ADHD/ Impulsivity Distractibility

















ADD/ Concentration

















Auditory Processing






































































































Anxiety / Panic Attack



















































Coordination & Balance

















Autistic Spectrum Disorders

















Speech & Language Difficulty

















Fatigue, Stress & Tension

















Head Injury & Trauma




































































Sleep Disorders

















Neurodevelopmental Delay & Disorders

















Memory Enhancement

















Organisational Skills

















Summary of the Assessments, Modalities and Techniques:


Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG) is the measurement, using digital technology, of electrical patterns at the surface of the scalp which primarily reflect cortical activity or "brainwaves". A multi-electrode recording of brain wave activity is recorded and converted into numbers by a computer. These numbers are then statistically analysed to that of a large population data base. Such comparisons allow the clinician to determine whether or not brain functioning is abnormal, to what degree, in what locations and in which frequency bands. QEEG's can also serve as an effective tool for differentiating between organic and functional brain disorders. This functional data provides an excellent supplement to data obtained from CT scans and MRI's. For instance, QEEG is a useful tool for differentiating between physiological and functional causes of depression and hyperactivity. It has also been helpful in the identification of schizophrenia and dementias. This procedure can be employed to identify cases of cerebral atrophy associated with alcoholism or drug abuse as well as determining whether a child is presenting with neurologically based attention deficit disorder or one of psychogenic origin. More on QEEG>>

Psychometric And Learning Difficulties Testing

Psychometric Assessment involves testing to ascertain potential intellectual functioning

The Learning Difficulties Assessment involves tests of academic performance -reading, spelling, maths etc.
More on Testing>>


EEG Biofeedback (or neurofeedback) is a learning strategy that works to improve the brain's ability to produce certain brainwaves. You can think of it as exercise for the brain much like the way exercise works to strengthen muscles. When information about a person's own brainwave characteristics is made available to him/her, they can learn to change them. Neurofeedback instruments show the kind of waves a person is producing, making it possible for the individual to learn to change in ways to improve attention. It is essentially self-regulation training. It is ideally suited to those with ADHD and those with specific learning disabilities. The same training protocol is usually appropriate for both conditions, and specific protocols are designed according to QEEG analysis. More on EEG Biofeedback>>


The FLEXYX Neurotherapy System (FNS) interrupts the brain's processing system when it is trapped in a pattern of malfunctioning, restores it to its own optimal functioning pattern, and reactivates the brain’s natural abilities to perform with clarity, harmony, and balance when it still has the resources to do so. While not everybody can be helped, experience in the USA, Canada and Australia has shown that many people have actually tapped resources to reach better functioning -- even if they had been told that they could not improve.
FNS reduces EEG slowing and optimises brain functioning. With the help of sophisticated computer technology the patient's own brainwaves are used to return information back to the brain. Feedback is provided by a set of tiny "transducers" sending either light so dim as to be invisible, or energy so weak that it is virtually unmeasurable: yet the brain can detect both. The feedback reduces the electrical "noise" in the brain, and makes it easier for the brain to function well, removing barriers to better mood, better cognitive functioning, smoother and better coordinated movement, and more restful energy. These changes are the equivalent of greater neurological and behavioural "flexibility". When EEG slowing is reduced, symptoms can decrease and even disappear.

At the culmination of therapy, the brain adopts this new flexibility and like a thermostat that has been re-set, no longer needs the help of FNS. More on FLEXYS Neurotherapy>>

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Training

At The Whole Life Connection, we utilise a form of biofeedback that directly measures and trains autonomic balance. The technique is called heart rate variability training. By measuring heart rate precisely and performing spectral analysis, the amount of sympathetic, parasympathetic, and combined activity influencing the heart rate can be correlated. Measuring heart rate variability is an effective, objective and non-invasive method providing a dynamic window into autonomic function and balance, thus affording an objective measure of an individual’s emotional state by assessing interactions that take place between the physiological, emotional, mental and behavior processes. Thus, HRV is a useful outcome measure of treatment interventions for negative emotions. More on Heart Rate Variability Training>>

Sound Therapy

Sound Therapy has been developed to stimulate the neural pathways into and within the brain. Sound Therapy uses music, voice and nature sounds that have been specially filtered to enhance the sounds that are most effective in stimulating the brain's processing regions -the high frequency overtones.

By the use of a unique spectral activation of sound, the structure of the music is left intact as the frequency levels are increased, resulting in music that is both therapeutic and beautiful to listen to.

The brain and neurological systems develop in response to stimulation during normal development. For a variety of medical, environmental and genetic reasons this development can be delayed in the different neurological systems. This may then result in various combinations of some of the problems listed above.

Sound Therapy provides extra stimulation to that which is in our normal environment. These modifications stimulate and assist in establishing the auditory, visual, motor and other associated neurological pathways. An improvement in the associated problems follows. Both SAMONASâ and THE LISTENING PROGRAMâ are used and bone conduction is often a vital component. More on Sound Therapy>>

Neurodevelopmental Therapy (NDT)

Neuro-developmental delay is a term which describes the presence of a cluster of aberrant reflexes because of an omission or arrest of a stage of early development. Certain combinations of retained reflexes exhibit themselves in ways that affect emotional and social well-being and academic progress.

Neurodevelopmental Therapy inhibits retained primitive reflexes and assists in development of fine motor coordination. Detection of primitive reflexes can help isolate the causes of a child's problem so that remedial training can be targeted more effectively. Craniosacral correction/Chiropractic/Osteopathy may also be necessary to re-establish central nervous system functioning. More on Neurodevelopmental Therapy>>

Aberrant reflex activity needs to be addressed in order to facillitate normal development and eliminate many of the physical, academic and emotional problems their presence has caused.


The definition of hypnosis is characterised by two elements:

 Trance – an altered state of consciousness, where the conscious mind is less active and the subconscious mind is more dominant. This state of mind is distinguishably different from alertness or ordinary sleep and is brought on by repetitive verbal rituals, known as the induction procedure.

 Suggestion --- the implanting of selective thinking to change beliefs, practices and conditions in the mind at the unconscious level

Thus, hypnosis appears to involve a shift in concentration, executed in a passive manner, resulting in a state of consciousness, characterized by narrowing of attention, reduced rational criticalness, and increased responsiveness to suggestion.

Hypnosis helps the individual to by-pass the conscious mind where the rational and logical functions are found in order to entertain and comprehend new alternatives and belief systems. More on Hypnotherapy>>

Diet & Nutrition

A functional approach to nutrition is applied specific to each individual and is based upon correlation of nutritional vitamin and mineral uptake analysis and the presenting difficulties. Metabolism, allergies and sensitivities are also addressed here.
More on Diet & Nutrition>>


Recent studies have shown that emotions blocked and buried deep, can lodge at the cellular level beyond our immediate awareness or consciousness. These blocks can manifest as a tightening of muscles (reflexes), which in their turn setup stresses within the body's structure thus compromising other bodily processes, impairing clarity of thought and the ability to be 'healthy and happy'.

Different forms of bodywork can address these problems, releasing blocks and allowing free movement of bodily fluids for circulation - especially blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid. Depending upon presentation, various forms of bodywork are used in combination or alone. Some therapies encompassed in "bodywork" are listed below:-

 Massage - Swedish, Shiatsu, Remedial & Therapeutic

Massage may be defined as the systemic and scientific manipulation of soft tissue of the body for therapeutic purposes. Various forms of massage and bodywork techniques are used alone or in combination depending upon presentation.
More on massage>>

 Bowen Therapy - is a subtle muscle/nerve/connective tissue technique. The technique is:

Unlike massage or other manipulations that try to force a change, the Bowen Technique simply resets your body to heal itself. The results are profound and lasting, and usually apparent within two or three sessions.

Bowen application is completely safe and appropriate for everyone from highly trained athletes, to newborns, to pregnant women, to the elderly and infirm. More on Bowen Therapy>>

 Craniosacral Therapy

This is a very subtle and gentle approach to the treatment of the whole body (not just the head), based upon Osteopathy, involving the viscerocranium, the bones of the face including the hard palate and the eye orbits, the intracranial and intervertebral membrane system, aimed at assisting and increasing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. More on Craniosacral Therapy>>


Breath is life. Breathing is our most primal function. It affects, and is affected by every level of our being. It is totally automatic, yet it is completely within our control. As such it is a bridge, a force, and a tool for health, growth, and change. It represents a direct path to wholeness and oneness. It allows us to expand our consciousness, and to refine the awareness of our inner and outer worlds. It allows us to access unconscious or suppressed material, and helps us to maintain higher and subtler levels of energy and aliveness. The way we breathe is a reflection and an expression of the way we live. By exploring the breath, we discover ourselves. By changing the way we breathe, we change the way we live.
More on Breathwork>>


Bodywork and Energetics really go hand in hand, however by 'energetics' we are speaking of the body as consciousness of being and the mechanism of the human energy field. Energy emanating from the practitioner's hands is used to balance energy, release tension and energy blocks, and assist in bringing the body back into harmony.

It offers an wholistic, educational approach to healing which empowers the individual with resources for taking responsibility for health and happiness. The work is undertaken over time with the client to promote enhanced health and happiness. Support is provided for the client to realise their highest potentials and the energy balancing fosters an experience of heightened awareness, enhanced aliveness, mental and emotional clarity and personal integration.

Techniques offered in Energetics include Touch for Health, Polarity Therapy, Reiki, Vibrational Sound and Essence.
More on Energy Techniques>>


The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is one of the power therapies now being used frequently to assist with anxiety, depression and many other conditions. It is a method of emotional and neurological control based on acupressure and involves tapping on acupressure/acupuncture points. Since acupuncture meridians extend to the brain, tapping on these points allows brain function to be modified by releasing negative emotions and even ameliorating some neurological conditions. It is also thought that EFT alters the energy field of the body so that perturbations in the energy field causing negative emotions are restored to balance. Based on the work of Roger Callahan, Gary Craig and others it is now being used in combination with a myriad of drug-free interventions aimed at managing stress. More on EFT>>


In aromatherapy treatments, essential oils are applied externally, but their penetrative power is so great that they act on the internal organs and at the emotional and spiritual levels. In fact external application is the most effective way of administering the oils. Essential oils enter and leave the body quite readily - leaving behind no toxins. Essential oils, like the blood running through our veins, are the essence or the spirit of the plant; when properly preserved, they have their own energy-force and vibrational quality which can be so healing when correctly used.

The subtle healing properties of essential oils operate on a higher plane than chemical drugs, having a much more powerful effect on the psyche and the emotions. Essential oils offer a gentle and sensitive alternative to the dangers of synthetic drugs, which have caused an increasing number of adverse side-effects, allergic reactions, drug-dependence and addictions among patients. More on Aromatherapy>>

Bach Flowers

British doctor Edward Bach formulated his Bach Flower Remedies, herbal medications to assist in healing the conflict between spirit and ego which he saw as fundamental to ill health.

Bach flower remedies are chosen in line with psychological states. However, they can also be used to treat physical ailments - often linked to emotions - as they are designed to treat the whole person and their internal imbalance, not just an illness.

The Bach Flowers offer a gentle way of stimulating the body's own capacity to heal itself by balancing negative feelings, helping you to take control, and get more out of life. More on Bach Flowers>>

Remedial Teaching
As a qualified teacher, trainer and psychologist with a background of over 25 years in special education, school counselling, educational psychology and neuropsychophysiology, I provide full hands on teaching to children and adults in need of specialised and individualised remedial teaching.
More on Remedial Teaching>>



The 'Alpha-Theta' biofeedback training protocol is powerful and very useful in addressing chronic disregulation of the ability to autonomously "switch" between states of awareness or arousal. Where disregulation exists (usually a result of psychological trauma) the person becomes trapped in a 'loop' of a part of the arousal spectrum. The training creates circumstances whereby healing of psychic wounds may take place. This may occur through "self healing" processes or through the intervention of the therapist - somewhat analogous to hypnotherapy. See Biofeedback>>

Cognitive Memory

Especially useful for traumatic brain injuries, cognitive memory retraining involves rehabilitation of visual and auditory short term memory and linear sequential processing, and is achieved through a variety of methods including the use of computers, speech and language tools.

Astrological Counselling

Astrology, when used with true open mindedness, can help us make our time--our experience, our very lives, -- deeply transformative. The expanded view with which astrology empowers us can open doors to a greater appreciation of our own motivations as well as a greater compassion for the motivations of others. It can also provide the psyche with a conceptual framework for realising its fullest potential while at the same time, it can endow the soul with a fundamental understanding of its own evolution or unfoldment.

Astrology presents a complex, multidimensional theory of behavior that depicts the psyche as a hierarchical structure comprised of archetypal needs, cognitive structures, emergent thoughts and behaviors, and corresponding events. It also provides a powerful and flexible assessment device that allows the astrologer to discern clues to the formative experiences of childhood, gain insight into the meaning of current events, and target periods of future growth. Unlike traditional, event-oriented astrology, astrology used in this sense is not concerned with superficial trait descriptions or the prediction of future events. Rather, the astrology is used to foster empathy for an individual's internal world (their current level of reality) and thereby enhance the ability to effectively treat psychological problems, modify, ameliorate or remove existing symptoms, and promote positive personality growth and fulfillment through conscious awareness. More on Astrology>>


For further information, assessments and appointments, please contact Rosemary Boon and Gregory de Montfort at

The Whole-Life Connection
Wholistic Healing and Well-Being Centre

Telephone: +61 2 9727 5794
Facsimile: +61 2 9754 2999


P.O. Box 7120
Bass Hill NSW 2197

Site Map:- About The Whole-Life Connection
Psychology and Counselling / Remedial Teaching / Neuro-developmental Therapy / Hypnotherapy / qEEGBiofeedback / Emotional Freedom Technique / Sound Therapy / Diet and Nutrition / Bodywork / Breathwork / Energetic and Vibrational Work / Meditation / Aromatherapy / Crystals / Bach Flower Remedies / Astrology / Articles, Papers and Current Issues / Referral Services / Links & Resources