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My High School Poetry

Bluebirds are symbols of joy and spiritual content.  Seeing one is said to be a forteller of happiness to come.  May this one bring you such good fortune.
This dimension of my "Realm" is a sanctuary for the poetic relics I have saved from my high school years. This site was originally created to display them, and it is only fitting that despite its many changes that there is still a special dwelling for these revelations from my adolescent heart. Please scroll down for a list of these poems, or skip to the bottom for the links to continue along your way in Melanie's Realm.

All poems are property of Melanie Clulow and are not to be copied from this site unless you meet the following three conditions:

1)Ask first and let me know when you have put it on your site so that I can provide a link to it in my Realm.
2)You give me credit for my work and provide a link back to Melanie's Realm.
3)Your site MUST be child-friendly, devoid of innappropriate language and explicit graphics.

My Poems

  • Avalanche
  • This was written for a Creative Writing assignmed topic, "Rocks" and shows you how overwhelmed I was feeling at that crucial point of my high school career. A world full of choices to choose from and I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.
  • Crystal Chandelier
  • This was written during one of the first of a couple break-ups and strained moments in Kris and I's dating. Of course, a large number of those were due to the fact that he was chatting with me from his fiancee-at-the-time's computer!
  • Desert Rain
  • This one was written a few months after high school after a trip to England to see Kris, only to be apart again while waiting for me to receive a marriage visa to be with him forever. We were married about three months after I wrote this.
  • Dream-Weaver
  • This poem I wrote for my now-husband when we were dating online and living in separate countries.
  • A Journey to the Icy Tundra of My Heart
  • I wrote this watching as my beloved grandmother was going through various health problems. Of course, you can only hide from such earthly sorrows for so long and "icy depths" don't run deep enough to escape facing reality forever.
  • The Lesson of the Oak
  • This was written for a Creative Writing assignmed topic, "Diversity".
  • Moonlit Waters of Promises
  • Needless to say, in high school you are expected to make a lot of choices about your future. This poem was how I felt at the time, except for the last stanza, which I wrote to give me courage.
  • My Dawn
  • Another poem written for my husband Kris.
  • Primal Drum This was written for a Creative Writing assignmed topic, "The Taste of Thunder".
  • Puppet's Dance, The
  • Perhaps my favorite of my poems, "The Puppet's Dance" speaks of my struggle to find myself and break free from the constraints of who other people thought I was. I'm still struggling with this.
  • Royal Dreams
  • This was written for a Creative Writing assignmed topic, "The Color Purple".
  • Tears
  • This I wrote when Kris and I had a bit of a breakup. Needless to say, it didn't last long. :)
  • Wishes
  • This is a cinquain I wrote for an Advanced Poetry assignment.

    Finished reading my poetry? My links will let you choose your next path around Melanie's Realm.


    I gazed upon the steep, rocky mountainside,
    the wall of granite which,
    mirroring my innermost sorrows and concerns,
    precariously were balanced two hundred feet above.
    The titanic burdens hovered menacingly over me,
    inspiring fear from their leviathan caliber.

    I imagined the heavy gray stones
    tumbling down the abrupt descent,
    crushing my fragile bones under oppressing weight;
    forcibly pressing the air out of my lungs
    as I screamed in misery, bemoaning my tragic fate--
    to be buried alive within a stone grave.

    Inwardly shuddering from my disturbing image
    I turned to flee anxiously away.
    But then, one by one, the rocks came
    trickling down, increasing in rapidity until
    they merged into a monstrous river
    in which I would drown.

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    Crystal Chandelier

    A crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling,
    lighting the room as my life was once lit by you.
    Deceiving chain holds high the chandelier,
    proudly displaying its thick metal rope,
    concealing links that are weakly united.

    Slowly iron joints painfully separate,
    one link causing the other to fall.
    The sparkling chandelier slips
    and then crashes upon the hard wooden boards.
    Shards of clear glass scatter everywhere.

    Painful minuscule splinters of my heart
    glistening, fragile, diamond fragments,
    being carelessly trod upon by your feet.
    Melted crystalline tears pouring from my eyes,
    freezing into man-made ice upon my cheeks.

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    Desert Rain

    A brutal, dry wind ripped through the blistering desert,
    sending blinding torrents of sand
    into my parched mouth and gasping lungs,
    suffocating me with its minute granules
    of hopelessness in my seemingly vanquished state.
    My life’s journey was now encumbered by a fierce tempest
    that poured oppression from dark storm clouds above me,
    leaving me thirsting for the sweet rain of relief.
    I desperately sought a desert oasis,
    for a familiar comfort in my hapless plight.

    And so I found you, awaiting me upon this
    scorching desert’s Garden of Eden,
    preparing for me a place beside you
    amongst rich ferns of lustrous green
    and radiant rays of sunshine that shone down hope
    in a brilliant, lustrous golden celebration of life.
    Wrapped tightly in the loving warmth of your strong arms
    I found that for which I had so frantically sought:
    an inner peace, optimism for our struggles to end,
    for I now knew you’d fought the storm by my side.

    Stunning two lovers completely content in each other,
    a savage surge of dry grit suddenly tore apart our gaze,
    ripping us apart in a fierce tidal wave of anguish;
    fiery sand harshly wiped away our tears with a course hand.
    Strong breakers tore apart our desperately clinging fingers,
    forcing us to woefully observe as we were forced further apart,
    until once again we looked across a vast ocean of sand
    with eyes longing to catch a mere glimpse of each other
    to last until we should find our beautiful, harmonious oasis again.
    Once more we waited restlessly for the mighty gales to end.

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    If I could
    weave a dream for you
    I would create
    a scene on a mountaintop,
    looming above a glistening lake,
    rustling trees and tranquility
    surrounding two lovers
    contentedly listening to a bird's song,
    arms wrapped around each other,
    enjoying this private moment.
    Gazing lovingly at each other,
    their lips would meet
    and their hearts touch
    in a moment seeming to last for all time.
    Then, when you awakened,
    you'd confusedly look around,
    searching lazily for me,
    not yet realizing you'd been asleep,
    that the experience had been
    a subconscious illusion.
    In your hazy, dreamlike state
    you would still feel our blissful kiss,
    the texture of my lips against yours.
    In my spirit form
    I would gaze down upon you
    and smile.

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    A Journey to the Icy Tundra of My Heart

    I must enclose myself in
    a place where salty tears cannot venture.
    Where an icy cold tundra freezes my heart;
    capturing it in its frosty depths,
    so that my unbidden emotions are no more.

    Find this chilly world for me,
    so that I no longer need to
    face the harsh realities of this cruel Earth.
    Send me so that I need no longer despair;
    take me to the fathomless depths of
    my mind’s snow-laden artic,
    where old age and death are no more.

    Why must people age?
    Why is it that as they grow older,
    they often complain of cold
    as the relentless summer’s heat beats down?
    Is it some terrible parody of death,
    that they feel the Grim Reaper’s icy chill
    as they prepare for the grave?

    To my heart’s frosty limbo I must journey,
    where I feel no sorrow at all.
    Where these questions no longer
    force themselves to the surface of my thoughts--
    where reality ceases to exist,
    and I no longer need to face my fears.

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    The Lesson of the Oak

    The morning sun
    shines down upon
    the aging tree.
    In iredescent rays
    large branches appear
    one mass of green,
    each leaf no different from another.
    Then, in noon’s light,
    the appendages take on other hues,
    various shades of green, orange, and red
    now apparent to the eye.
    The mighty oak
    stands proud and free,
    each leaf unique, diverse.

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    Moonlit Waters of Promises

    I strolled along the dark beach,
    the waves darting amongst my toes,
    moonbeams reflected against the shimmering water,
    illuminating the mysterious sparkling sea.

    While I gazed accross the moonlit horizon
    the ocean seemed to call to me,
    whispering softly of far-away places,
    opportunities, and secrets of my future.

    “No,” I balked, for I was afraid.
    “It would mean change,
    which I fear, for I do not yet
    feal ready to face the challenges lying ahead.

    The waves lapped against the shadowy sand
    and spoke in gentle, hushed tones of
    a crossroad in my life, how I
    must choose which path was mine to follow.

    I glanced over my shoulder, at my past
    and knew then there would be no turning back.
    To my right and straight ahead
    were barren, haunted by dreams long denied.

    So I gazed accross mysterious waters
    a final time before I waded into darkened depths
    until the water was waist-high.
    Then I dove under the gentle waves
    to emerge and begin my swim
    towards the allure of the unknown,
    to achieve the golden orb of the night.

    My Dawn

    Once upon a night of murky mist,
    when it seemed that only blackness could exist,
    a loving beam of sparkling sun appeared,
    chasing away all that I had feared.
    This beam brought with him the radiant early dawn,
    disposing of any dreaded thoughts forlorn.
    He shone down in a shimmering bright haze
    joy and happiness in a carefree blaze.
    Such as a flower, this light I leaned towards,
    and soon he became all that I adore.

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    Primal Drum

    Ferociously rain beats against the windows
    and the fierce wind howls and cries.
    Lightening flashes; a dagger of brilliant light
    slicing through the dark sky
    as the thunder roars.

    To hear thunder roar is to hear the
    heartbeat of the Earth while its soul
    tells of years past, since the days of helplessness
    felt by primitive mankind against the elements.
    Its message sounds clear: despite modern advances
    humans are still weak, unable to
    challenge the wrath of Mother Nature.

    Exhilaration rushes through my veins
    to the rhythm of the primal drum
    leaving my senses awake and alert,
    thunder’s taste sweet against my tongue
    as I watch this awesome battle of man and nature.

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    The Puppet's Dance

    A wooden puppet am I,
    dancing and smiling upon the stage,
    waiting for the audience’s approval
    as the puppeteers pull my strings.
    “Twirl and spin!” they demand,
    tightening their hold upon my ropes.

    So I perform for them my awkward, false dance,
    invisible tears wetting my cheeks,
    as the onlookers clap with glee,
    and the puppeteers schreech more orders.
    They are merciless in their choreography
    as they tug my cables to control my limbs.

    I, a mere marionette, am not powerful enough
    to continue acting out their lie.
    In my mind my nose grows longer, returning to its
    origninal branch form, like Pinochio, my brother.
    My wood is thin and delicate;
    I will crumble under the nylon’s strain.

    I wonder how much longer
    I can obey my masters’ whims?
    How much longer will it be before
    my dancing halts and
    I tumble down upon the floor,
    collapsing within myself?

    And I wonder, if I were to call for help,
    would anyone even hear my cries?

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    Royal Dreams

    Violet flames burst
    out of the white oblivion
    brought to life by the artist’s hand
    transferred from the minuscule paintbrush
    to the blank easel
    in expert, swirling strokes.
    Joyous purple am I, finally free
    of confinement inside the prison of the paint tube,
    offered as a gift to this moment of creativity.
    It is all I have ever dared to wish,
    to be part of an abstract masterpiece.
    Now my dream is fulfilled,
    and I lay dried against the easel,
    appearing sharp and regal
    compared to the pasty yellow,
    domineering red, and flamboyant orange.
    This is my destiny, and forever the world
    shall gaze at my immortality.

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    I hang my head
    in defeat,
    my eyes cast to the ground,
    ashamedly trying to hide
    salty water
    dripping rapidly from them.
    My heat is breaking,
    my soul is aching,
    and I am missing you.

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    Wanting, imagining, aspiring
    Gazing longingly into tomorrow

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