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Links to My Short Stories

Hi everyone! I hope you like my Short Stories Links Page's new look! I admit these stories are old, written around 1998-1999, but I will actually add to them someday. But in the meantime, please bear with these oldies (soon to go into plain, black and white pages for easy viewing), which I hope you enjoy!

To Have No Mercy:

Meet Bob Hart and his misadventure in a South American rain forest when he meets the Spirits of the Animals, of the Plants, and, most importantly, the Spirit of Human Compassion.

Journey From the Shadows:

Sarando, ruler of all evil, has summoned one of his shadow-walkers, Kristophe, to his dwelling to confront Kristophe of his crimes against The Brothers of All the Night regarding his feelings about a certain brown-haired human woman.

A World of Robots:

Join Carla and Jenny in their adventures their search for individualism lead them in on this planet and beyond.

Links Around Melanie's Realm and Beyond!!

Melanie's Realm Main Page
Links to My Poetry
My Favorite Quotes
Melly and Kiwi's Avatar Centre
Links to My Friends' Webpages
Webrings I Belong To
Christmas 2000 Photo Album
Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire
