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Links To My Poetry

Hi! Welcome to Melanie's Realm's Poetry Links page! I happen to think that these poems I have written are pretty good (otherwise why would I put them on the net?) and I hope you will agree after visiting these links! Looking at the list you'll find I have added one that I wrote ages ago but have never before shown to anyone, and I plan to add a few more that I have stashed away in the near future! I also plan to edit all the individual pages my poems are on, putting them on plain, easy to load (and read!) black and white pages as I've noticed looking at them that some are quite difficult to see.

My Poems

Crystal Chandelier
Desert Rain
Journey to the Icy Tundra of My Heart, A
Lesson of the Oak, The
Moonlit Waters of Promises
My Dawn
Primal Drum
Puppet's Dance, The
Royal Dreams

Links Around Melanie's Realm and Beyond!!

Melanie's Realm Main Page
Links to My Short Stories
My Favorite Quotes
Melly and Kiwi's Avatar Centre
Links to My Friends' Webpages
Webrings I Belong To
Christmas 2000 Photo Album
Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire

 Click here to email me!!