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To Tig


The following content may make many disgusted, annoyed, or maybe both
but always remember..
I warned you
you wanna know what this page is about?
it's about a joke...simply my friend (tig) wouldn't tell me how to make this
right here ---> Þ <---
so I told her that one day I'd get revenge on her by throwing frozen turds at her
why I said this? because I'm a moron and I couldn't think of anything else to say :)
I made this webpage because I made a frozen turd for her and wanted to display it
people just kept coming and coming, so I built on...
it use ta be just what is above this text!

oh yeah....and the "BOOGIE BOOGIE BOOGIE" part, is from the movie Mafia, when they make fun of the Godfather.


Wow..I was just checking out the wayback machine, and found the original forum to this page. I don't know if it was the content or what, but it suddenly went "off-line" never to return. But..thanks to the wayback can still be "enjoyed" at the link below!

Yes, I do find it quite humorous. You must remember, I was probably around 15 when I put this page together.

And of course there was the guestbook too.

(Layout changed a tad)

Where to go, what to do

Get a pet turd for your own webpage!!
Check out the flavored turds!
The Turd "Art" Gallery!
Little Betty Sue Goes Around The World!!
Turd Anthem!
Turds In The Media!

Turd Stories!

Soon to come?

1. The Frozen Turd Band goes on tour!!

Please visit my Main Page for other stuff.

Turd Links

And Please folks..

Watch out for the TURD MONSTER!!!

Accept no Substitutes
yes the above link use to be an unofficial frozen turd site...what ever happened to that? humm *twiddles thumbs*

So out of boredom I found it at the internet archive site. Try This!

Thanks for stopping by. Stay young.

Main Page

(You will find strange stories about Jelly Beans, and more!)