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Articles of Interest
Updated July 5, 2002

July, 2002

"An Interview with Queen Noor"
"Diary - Fear at Home"

January, 2001

Yes to Hijab, No to Niqaab

November, 2000

Islamic Women Meld Fashion Trends, Islamic Values

October, 2000

Baptists Learn About The Muslim Next Door

September, 2000

Sister Merve Kavakci: Muslimah MP
Searching Americans Embrace the Logic Behind the Teachings of Islam
Halloween is Coming!
Zaitoon (Olive) is Cure for Seventy Diseases

August, 2000

Gheebah (backbiting)
Divorce: Some Misconceptions
Is Allah Everywhere?

July, 2000

When Muslims Steal

June, 2000

Reform Party Hopeful Buchanan Courts Muslim Vote
from ABCNEWS.COM "Millions are Exploring Spirituality Via the Internet"
The Islamic Dress Code

May, 2000

An Interview with Benazir Bhutto

April, 2000

Top Ten Misconceptions About Islam
The Islamic Dress Code

March, 2000

Heaven and Hell ... The Real Difference
Hajj: The Journey of a Lifetime

February, 2000

U.S. University Returns 9th Century Koran to Turkey
Farrakhan Woos Orthodox Muslims
Ruling On Organ Transplants
Stock Options

January, 2000

Clinton Speech at White House
"FAITH", an article from The London Times
Head Covers Split Muslims

December, 1999

Christmas and Islam
Ramadan, the Intifada and ... the Refugee Camp
Gulf States Fight to Keep Lid on Iraqi Travel to Mecca
Millenium Warning
The Hijab Experience of Canadian Muslim Women

November, 1999

Traditions from the Muslim World
Around the World, a Prayer of Submission Echoes
Catholics Alarmed by Islam's Rise
The New Islam (Newsweek Article)
Islam's Thriving Spirit (from the Chicago Tribune)
Twelve Hours Old

October, 1999

Sha'ban: Merits, Do's and Don'ts
Veil: The View from the Inside
Credit Cards
Dyeing the Hair
Description of Death
Girlfriend - Boyfriend Relationships
Bible and Qu'ran Say: Do Not Eat Pork

September, 1999

New York Cabbie Teaches Honesty to Children
Their Canada Includes Hijab
The Position of A'isha
The Life of Khadijah (RA)
The Deliverance of Salaams
The Importance of Remembrance of Allah
Hazrat Hassan al-Basri Impresses a Neighbor

August, 1999

Again, Islam is an Easy Villain
Professor Combats Ignorance about Islam, Women
Islamic Wedding