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My Favorite X-Files Links

Hi and WELCOME to MY X-Files Land!! The many pages of My Favorite X-Files Links are always under a constant state of construction. There's tons of things to see!! I'm always adding new stuff to my little world, so while I type my fingers away please look around, don't mind the mess and enjoy my little world on the web. Thanks for dropping by!!

From E-Online
Freak Accident Haunts "X-Files" Aug 1, 2000, 3:30 PM PT

The X-Files new season has gotten off to a tragic start.

A crew member working on an episode of Fox's paranoid creepfest was electrocuted Monday and six others injured when a scaffolding they were on came into contact with a high-tension power line.

"It charged the entire scaffolding," said Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Jim Wells.

Wells said the freak accident occurred when workers, setting up for a chase scene, placed a metal scaffold adjacent to power lines behind an apartment building. When a crew member hit one of the lines with a metal pole, the entire structure became electrified.

The dead man was identified as Jim Engh. Six others, including one person on the ground, were sent to the hospital. One crew member is currently listed in serious condition at UCLA Medical Center; the others have been been treated and released.

"All of us are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of our friend and colleague Jim Engh," X-Files creator and executive producer Chris Carter said in a statement. "Our hearts go out to his family and friends. He will be deeply missed by all who have known him and worked with him. Our thoughts and prayers are with the other crew members who were injured. We wish them a speedy recovery."

A production notice at the location indicated the crew was preparing for a scene involving dialogue, a foot chase down an interior rear stairwell, and rain effects on rear stair windows. According to a Fox rep, filming on the episode was scheduled to begin today. It was not immediately clear if filming would be postponed.

X-Files stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson were not present at the time of the accident.

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Some X-Files tag lines.
If I'm missing any please send me an e-mail and let me know.

01x01 The Pilot: "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE"

01x23 The Erlenmeyer Flask: "TRUST NO ONE"

02x06 Ascension: "DENY EVERYTHING"

03x25 Anasazi: "ÉÍ 'AANÍÍGÓÓ 'ÁHOOT'É"

03x10 731: "APOLOGY IS POLICY"

04x01 Herrenvolk: "EVERYTHING DIES"


04x10 Terma: "E PUR SE MOUVE"

04x24 Gethsamane: "BELEIVE THE LIE"


05x14 The Red and the Black: "RESIST OR SERVE"

05x20 The End: "THE END"


06x20 The Unnatural: "IN THE BIG INNING"

The X-Files are property of 20th Century Fox TM and 1013 Productions TM. I have no affiliationwith either of them!! All rights reserved. I wonder how many times we have to read that but its a must! This site is for enjoyment. No profits involved.

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