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Meet my daughter, Bridget <BGSOUND SRC="images/mysweetlady.mid" loop="5">

Meet my darling daughter, Bridget

Bridget was born in November 1996 at Southland Hospital in Invercargill, New Zealand. She was born by emergency caesarean at 37 weeks after I had spent the previous five weeks in hospital with pre-eclampsia. She weighed just 4lb 10oz when we took her home six days later and she has grown like a mushroom ever since.

Bridget aged 19 mths with baby brother, Mark aged 3 mths

Bridget is now 2 and a half and a real bright wee button. She talks fluently, has beautiful manners, can count and is just beginning to read.

She learns things so quickly and easily. I love teaching her so much that I am seriously considering homeschooling Bridget and her younger brother Mark; we'll definately give it a go for a while when she is near school age and see how we get on.

Bridget loves being out on the farm with her dad, playing in the sandpit or on her swing and reading books. Her favourite programmes to watch on television are Teletubbies, Suzy Catto in You and Me and her old pal Barney.

Bridget aged 16 mths and 2 yrs

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