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Welcome to my world <BGSOUND SRC="images/avemaria.mid" loop="5">

My World

Hi, I'm Maria, and welcome to my life. I was born in Gore, in the province of Southland, right at the bottom of New Zealand. I've never moved very far away from there and was brought up in the little town of Mataura (12km south of Gore) and I now live in the country district of Kaiwera (20km east, south east of Gore).

I was educated at Mataura Primary School and St Peter's College in Gore. Upon leaving school I joined the Farm Cadet Scheme and worked on various farms around the area. During this time I also did various business studies courses at the Southland Polytechnic.

I spent seven years farming before meeting my future husband, Ross, through sheep dog trialing. We married and I came to live with him on Nithdale Station at Kaiwera, where he is the stock manager.

A view of part of Nithdale Station.

My interests include my dogs, farming, sheep dog trialing, genealogy and learning more about history, computing and surfing the net, designing web pages, writing children's stories, gardening, rugby (especially the Otago Highlanders and the All Blacks) and most of all, my family.

Our home on Nithdale taken mid winter (July).

Our Children

Our first child, Bridget Anne, was born in November 1996 and is now almost three years old. She is the brightest wee spark you could possibly imagine and we have such high hopes for her future. She is the light of our life, talks non-stop and just loves life on the farm.

Mark David John is our second child and he was born in March 1998 and is now 18 months old. He is a very independent wee man and just adores his Dad. He was born with a hole in his heart (ASD), has severe gastro reflux even now and was on a cot death monitor for 12 months because he suffered from apnoea. Other than that he is also the light of our life and we love him to bits.

[angel picture]

Our third child, Jamie, became on angel in September 1998 after only eight weeks growing inside me. Jamie was an ectopic pregnancy and had to be surgically removed and die in order for me to live. Jamie is now our guardian angel in Heaven, who is watching down on us and taking care of us. I know that someday we'll meet again.

Home / Meet Maria / Meet Ross / Meet Bridget / Meet Mark
View Jamie's Memorial / Meet Some More of My Family / Links
Awards I Have Received / Apply For My Awards / View My Winners
Webrings I Belong To / A Note About My Graphics / Contact Me

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