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Maria's Dog Page <BGSOUND SRC="images/onemomentintime.mid" loop="5">


Hi, and welcome to my page all about
my love for my beautiful dogs.

the first dog I ever owned as a child

my golden labrador
(I got him as a pup in 1991 when I boarded with a cousin, and when I went to
leave several years later he wanted to keep Simon so Simon still lives there.)

the first working dog I ever owned

my now-elderly heading dog

my young huntaway.

And very soon to be added to the 'family' is a beautiful pedigree golden retriever bitch pup, who we have already named Holly.

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View Jamie's Memorial / Meet Some More of My Family / Links
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Webrings I Belong To / A Note About My Graphics / Contact Me

This background and graphics
came from HERE