The Preview Incorporated |
The Preview Incorporated is a site established in July 2002 by Haji Mokhtar Stork. It is a non-profit making service. Articles published by Haji Mokhtar Stork are originals. I am seeking partners and if you are interested kindly contact me. Your views and comments are welcomed. However it would be appreciated if you would refer to the Rules of Conduct before doing so.
Persatuan Al-Hunafa: In relation to this Organisation, it was founded by me in the 80s but having left years ago I am no longer involved with it and anyone making use of my name for financial gain is welcomed to Hell.
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Current updates: 05.06.2005
The Scourge Of Our Times - haji mokhtar storkBoth the Bible and the Qur'an provide us with the example of Sodom and Gomorrah during the time of the Prophet Lot, a clear warning that SODOMY and HOMOSEXUALITY has no place in the sight of God. Today, this extended form of living through GAYISM and LESBIANISM is once again leading mankind to total destruction. The spread of AIDS through ILLICIT INTERCOURSE, DRUG ADDICTION, and HOMOSEXUALITY is spreading like wild fire throughout many nations consuming them without any mercy. Suggestions and recommendation over the use of condoms have become a total failure. Today more and more faithful wives are becoming infected by their unfaithful husbands. All these approaches only reveal that there is no hope except the path of God. Trampling Upon the Qur'an - haji mokhtar stork Whether you are a Muslim or not, respect is due to every Holy Book. Whether you believe in it or not, you should never desecrate it but rather do your best to prove it wrong or truthful. That should be the decent approach to civilized people. So What Has Happened To Mr. Bush's Middle East Road Map? One wonders what has happened to the voice of the West, notably the UN, America and Europe concerning the stalemate over progress on the Road Map. The world heard what Bush had to say to Sharon, and we all know what Sharon said and did not his return back home, which amounts to nothing, except to build more housing on Palestinian lands and delay the hand over of several towns. One wonders why CNN or the BBC has been silent on this? One wonder why Bush has not stepped up the pressure or kept his word? Are the Palestinians to be blamed if they return to violence? The indifference of the West and the UN clearly proves that there exist biasness when it comes to matters related to Muslims and Muslim Nations. It also shows that Western Media Networks are equally bias because the moment a suicide bomber attacks some Jewish centre, it will be highlighted over and over again just to prove the Palestinians to be irresponsible when in fact it is Israel and America. BEING POWERLESS - haji mokhtar storkW e are all guests in this world. We all come from the same earth, and when we die, it welcomes us as ‘sons of the soil’. It does not look upon you as being “white” or “black”, American, Chinese or African. The womb of the earth welcomes you as one, and interns you like prison to reward you or to punish you accordingly. This is your grave, a place of accountability that seems to be waiting endlessly for the Day of Judgement to arrive. Hopefully, when it does arrive, all accounts would have been settled, otherwise there is greater torment in store for the rebellious. Likewise, hopefully when it arrives, the good will receive even greater rewards.This
is the stark reality of the state of helplessness. At this point in time
we are all powerless and helpless. There is nothing we can do to improve
upon our past nor are we given the opportunity to redeem ourselves. All we
are left with are our deeds, and these will determine whether we will be
punished or rewarded. When
you reflect upon this situation a question comes to mind. “Is it worth
behaving in an ungodly manner? What do you hope to gain through a life of
deceit and deception? Are all your ill-gotten gains going to be of some
use to you when you are gone? What about the power, wealth and position
you acquired? Did you put it to good use serving the cause of Allah?
Yes, don’t wait for that time and day when you will be rendered powerless – when you will be stripped bare of all your belongings. Don’t wait for that day when you will be humiliated to such an extent, that you would wish you never existed. Take this opportunity in life to serve Allah well through righteous deeds. Act with humility. Bestow on those who have rights their rights, for every complaint on their part reaches Allah, and Allah is ever mindful of all that you do. There is not a single atom that escapes His gaze. Be mindful of your intentions, for false ones end up like wild grass on the roadside. They are not like wheat and corn. They offer you nothing but loss and sorry. Look upon this life as a field being ploughed. Sow the right grain so that you may reap its lawful profits, and while you do so, possess hope and fear in Allah, because He has the right to destroy your crops; to reduce to poverty. Such trials are sustained by faith and piety in Allah. THE BOAT RACE - e-mail posting An Arabian and Japanese boat rowing team decided to hold an annual rowing race. Each team would consist of 8 men. Both teams worked really hard for the race, however, the Japanese won by a mile. After several detailed analysis the Arab team found that the Japanese had 7 rowers and only one captain, while they (the Arab team) had 7 captains and one rower. Facing criticism the management showed exceptional wisdom and hired a consultant. After several months the consultants reached the conclusion that there were too many captains and too few rowers in the Arabian team. The Arabs decided that as of today there would only be 4 captains in the team led by 2 managers, one top-manager and one rower. Apart from that they decided to improve the rowers working environment so that he may become more competent. The following year the Japanese won by 2 miles. The Arabs immediately displaced the rower from the team on the basis of unsatisfactory performance, but the bonus award was paid to the management for the strong motivation the team showed during the preparatory phase. The consulting company prepared a new report, which showed that the strategy was good, the motivation o.k., but the boat needed to be improved upon. Currently the Arabian team is designing a new boat. [NOTE: This is typical of Arab-Muslim Nations] 10 Reasons Why People Establish Foundations (Yayasans), Public Trust Funds and Charitable Organisations - Haji Mokhtar Stork
It is common practice in the sub-continent of Indo-Pak for the rich and wealthy to hold Qur'anic recitations at their homes. Its a form of atoning for one's misdeeds. After such sessions one enjoys a lavish meal. In Malaysia, you redeem yourself after acquiring your wealth through ungodly means by establishing a Yayasan or Foundation. Some foundations are established in this manner. Most foundations enjoy tax exemptions. They are run by family members for family members. On paper its a charitable organization but in truth everyone lives very comfortably free of charge. Then there are those who still desire that their glorious days in office should be continued to be remembered through a Trust Fund. Others hand out huge sums of money in the name of charity to government so that they may secure favours. Its a business of "I scratch your back, you scratch mine". If an ordinary man writes in for some small sum of money he won't get it but if he is someone, Masha Allah miracles will happen. Still others, notably some Sufi Shaykhs are know to have foundations so that the guilty rich can purify themselves. In the meantime, they fly here and there on the good will received for Allah's cause. Then there are the religious zealots who establish foundations for a variety of devious intentions, disguised as Aid Organisations bent on converting people to their beliefs. The only few truthful individuals who establish foundations are those who want to avoid family disputes after their demise, and those who are sincerely committed to serving God and mankind without any hidden motives.