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Joyce Cheuk's Excellent Grad School Selection Adventure!

Hello, welcome to my webpage! I used to have a bigger, more comprehensive personal webpage, but got lazy, didn't update, etc etc. Now I've decided to do a web page on my journey to graduate school! My name is Joyce Cheuk (I'm the one on the left), and right now I'm heading towards the end of my undergraduate years at University of California, Berkeley. The next logical step for a die hard pure math major? Graduate school! Join me in the

and camping out at my mail box moments
as we (yet again) apply for college!

DECISON:UCLA. What can I say? They give me lots of money, the NSF-VIGRE Fellowship AND they're a Tier 1 school.

Coming Soon: More reject letters and my commentary on them. (Some funny, some just SAD!)

Digest Version of What's Going On
Berkeley OUCH REJECTED! It really hurts when you know professors who have met you and talked to you said at one point "no, she's not good enough for our school." I can't wait for the awkwardness when I bump into one of them in the elevator. See reject letter
UCLA IN! Boohya! NSF-VIGRE Fellowship (really? I'm a member of a minority ethnic group?.. :::looks around::: I had no idea!). I'm sooo happy I got into UCLA... except I have no idea what it's about at all. I don't know what the school is like, I don't know who the professors are, I don't know if they're the right people for me to study with. I should visit. The only thing I know about UCLA is that Michelle Kwan goes there, and Al Gore teaches there.
UCSD In... well, they actually call it "Pending Acceptance" via the e-mail they sent me on Friday. LOL. OOO, that sounds SOOO impressive. "Pending Acceptance". Let me send reject letters to all the schools that accepted me so I can take you up on your "Pending Acceptance" I'm sure as heck not making a move until the actual letter with acual seal and signature is in my hands.
UCSB In. Offered me university fellowship, but not inaddition to TAship... so I still only get 20,000 first two years. Not sure how I'm supposed to afford to live in UCSB (I've been told it's an expensive place to live) with that. Not planning on going at all. I should send them the letter now so they can offer the spot to some other soul, but one of my professors told me they've got a good programing going. I should talk to him again to find out more.
Stanford Rejected! Oh well, it's not like I really wanted to go to that school... not anything about their program in general, but considering I'm from Berkeley, I've developed a natural urkiness against the school... oh heck, I can't beleive I actually considered going that tree worshiping junior college, plus face the VERY good possibility of moving back home while I went there (20 minute drive) AHHH! Thank everything I got rejected. See reject letter
University of Nebraska, Lincoln IN. Check out my comprehensive review of my wonderful visit there.
University of Chicago Rejected! I felt no love for the school anyway. Knew nothing about it, only applied since it was number 1 in Algebra according to the US News ranking scheme. No loss, except for my 70 dollar application fee, several wasted days preparing the app.
MIT I got a reject letter dated April 8th (the deadline for reply was the 15th) saying I have been rejected. Um... Why didn't they say this sooner? :p
Cornell Depression hits! I got rejected! To add even more pain to my heart (this one really hurt folks. I actually cried when I got the letter of rejection), I was informed by the graduate admission chair that I was on the waitlist, and they held on for a month waiting for negative replies! So for all of you out there holding acceptance letters from the math department AND have NOW decided not to go but still haven't replied, I have this to say: ":p Phhhh!" I really wanted to go to a east coast "Prestiege" school! They have small departments AND a powerful faculty. Plus I didn't apply to any of the east coast schools for undergraduate, which is another reason why I really wanted to get into Cornell or MIT. (Well, I really wanted to get into MIT since someone told me I couldn't do it, and I became really mad at him. :p ) Now it looks like I'm getting into neither. Go see my reject letter
University of Washington (in Seattle) I don't know what to say. A strange an intreging story here. Follow the paper trail to Conspiracy Theory!
More to come!!!


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Notice: Cute little Konasento and Servbot icons made by me, and if you rip these pics to your own site, that will be very VERY unkind... (I spent hours making them!) and a graduate math student KNOWS how to seek revenge, bwa ha ha ha ha, HA ha ha ha HA Please don't take w/o permission. Konasento is a character from Dance Dance Revolution, and is property of Konami. All rights reserved by them. Servbot is a character from the Megaman Legends series, and is property of Capcom. All rights reserved by them.