F  i  d  l  e  r     f  a  m  i  l  y     h  i  s  t  o  r  y
        b  a  n  k       c  h  e  c  k       f  r  o  m       1  9  1  8    



1988 while scrounging around in the mess of papers, letters, and trash scattered about the floor in the farmhouse (long-vacant then) we found this $5.00 personal check written in 1918 by my great grandfather George Fidler, for "Paul's Leg." Presumably this check had paid for a doctor visit, maybe for a broken leg or perhaps stitches...? (The Paul no doubt being my great uncle Paul M Fidler.)

            Note that check is written in pencil.

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postcard from 1914

      another postcard from 1914

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Fidler genealogy main page




