P  a  u  l  ' s
        w  e  i  g  h  t  l  i  f  t  i  n  g  
                                                                                                    p      a      g      e      
  general routine (heavy)

More to come here soon, when
   I get a chance to work on it. (I'm only
   slightly more motivated when it comes
   to the actual working out!)

                                          my gym

       The granddaddy of all exercises!
       I don't go super heavy anymore
       but I do go "butt to the ground"
       and also alternate between a
       narrower stance and a wider
       stance (i.e. within the same

   Deadlifts (stiff-leg)
      I really like these, and actually
      do them on leg day as they hit
      my hamstrings so hard. Makes
      a good compliment to squats.

   Bench Press
      What I started with in high school!
      I don't go so heavy on these
      anymore, partly due to shoulder
      problems, and partly due to
      needing to bring other areas up
      to speed (e.g. shoulders).

   Shoulder Press
(see Maintenance Routine below)

   Lats (pulldowns)
(see Maintenance Routine below)

      Have done these fairly heavy
      (e.g. 250 lbs) but still seem to
      get more traps growth from
      just doing deadlifts.

(see Maintenance Routine below)

(see Maintenance Routine below)

       The above represents about three work-
       outs a week, e.g. Squats & Deads day,
       shoulders & bench day, and then
       everything else day... So would hit
       each body part once a week (approx).

   good reading
(Sam Fussell)
A fun-to-read mostly-true account of the author's quest to discover, explore, and fit in with the quirky world of bodybuilding.
Underground Steroid Handbook (I & II)
(Dan Duchaine)
Don't have to use steroids (I don't!) to find this cult classic fascinating. Kinda an Anarchist's Cookbook for hard core bodybuilders.
Little Big Men
(Alan Klein)
Never finished this one but roughly along the same lines as "Muscle" by Fussell (although a little less entertaining and more critical of the sport). 

   the soloflex years

Had a Soloflex (still do actually)
  which I used for years when we
  lived in
Columbia. (I didn't belong to a
  gym there.) I was reasonably happy
  with it at the time; it suited what I
  wanted to do, esp. in our small condo.
  I'd add weight plates as needed, for
  better resistance and feel. Not sure
  now if I'll ever use it again, though,
  having come to much prefer an actual
  maintenance routine (light)*

      Was really weak here for years
      (and out-of-balance with my
      benching) which gave me a very
      rounded-shoulder look. More
      recently I've tried to combat this
      by favoring shoulders over chest,
      which is why it appears here in
      the "short list". Also, overhead
      presses do a decent job of triceps

     Can't ever relax on these, or my
     calves shrivel to nothing! Perhaps
     my worst body part, easily out-of-
     balance with everything else.

  Lat Pulldowns
     Not so fun to do, but I do consider
     these a maintenance necessity.
     They don't just work the back, they
     also keep biceps from atrophying.

     Cable crunches (on knees,
     "bowing" deeply) and ball crunches
swiss ball) are the only ab
     routines I like at all.

*This is closer to reality... When I'm having trouble getting into the gym regularly (which is most of the time) I still try to do this simple routine as a bare minimum (all on the same day or divided up as needed). Legs are obviously missing but from a maintenance perspective they get exercised somewhat from volleyball and tennis.

the above routine enables me
to uproot trees at will
(real story behind this photo)

    hard at
 work, early


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