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Liberty to Trade

News from Seattle
Free Trade | Costs of Protectionism | Agriculture | Child Labour | E-Commerce | Environment

Free Trade to the Rescue of Consumers

Liberty Institute is preparing a series of briefing papers on various trade related issues with a particular emphasis on how ordinary consumers could benefit from attempts to liberalise international trade. By their very nature, these draft  papers are primarily aimed at promoting discussions and improving understanding of some of the issues involved. We are also working to expand these and cover more issues. We welcome comments and suggestion.

Briefing Papers on Trade and Development

It was a tumultuous week in Seattle when the ministers gathered for the World Trade Organisation meeting, November 30 to December 3, 1999. Here you can read some of the news and articles dealing with WTO, as well as the protestors on the streets of Seattle who not only battled the police but also stymied the prospects of economic improvement for poor people around the world.

News from Seattle trade talks

The foucs on WTO in Seattle, diverted attention from other more serious aspects of trade. Free trade introduces competition in the marketplace, thereby inducing producers to innovate and improve their products. Free trade provides a wide range of products to consumers at competitive prices and quality. Such a competitive environment, on the one hand improves productivity benefiting the labour force, and on the other hand contributes to a cleaner environment.
Liberty Institute participated in Seattle as a charter member of International Consumers for Civil Society. ICCS is an international coalition of organisations which hold that free trade and open market are to the benefit of all consumers, workers and the environment. For more information, visit the ICCS web site. If your organisation would like to join ICCS, please fill in the form available at the web site. Some information about ICCS is also available at this site. Click here.

Following are some of the trade related briefing papers that Liberty Institute prepared for further discussions. Some of these issues are being looked in to greater detail. Also, work is on to cover a wider range of trade related issues. Comments and Suggestions are most welcome.

Trade - Costs of Protectionism: How the Indian Consumers and Workers Lost Out
Agriculture - Trade can Change the the Poverty Ridden Face of Rural India
Labour Standards - International Trade and Child Labour: The role of the market in eliminating it
Environmental Standards - Free Trade Protects the Environment
E-Commerce - Taking Advantage of E-commerce

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